N-UNCOUNT 信心;信念;信仰 Belief is a feeling of certainty that something exists, is true, or is good.
One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god. 全世界有10亿穆斯林,共同的一神信仰将他们团结在一起。
...a belief in personal liberty. 对个人自由的信仰
N-PLURAL (对宗教或政治的)信仰,观点,看法 Your religious or political beliefs are your views on religious or political matters.
He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs. 出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。
N-SING 信念;坚定的看法 If it is your belief that something is the case, it is your strong opinion that it is the case.
It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. 我们坚信,改善医疗保健会使经济更加繁荣昌盛。
PHRASE 难以置信 You use beyond belief to emphasize that something is true to a very great degree or that it happened to a very great degree.
We are devastated, shocked beyond belief... 我们极为震惊,无法相信所发生的一切。
Her son's skin improved beyond belief. 她儿子的皮肤得到了难以置信的改善。
PHRASE 和人们一般的认识相反;和一般看法相反 You use contrary to popular belief to introduce a statement that is the opposite to what is thought to be true by most ordinary people.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that what you look like makes much difference to your life. 和人们一般的看法相反,没有证据表明面相对人生有多大影响。
PHRASE (通常错误地)认为 If you do one thing in the belief that another thing is true or will happen, you do it because you think, usually wrongly, that it is true or will happen.
Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food. 平民百姓闯进了大楼,显然他们误以为里面有食物。
He refused to cut his hair due to his Rastafarian beliefs. 因为信奉拉斯塔法里教,他拒绝剪去头发。
His anti-Semitic beliefs were well-known in America. 他的反犹信仰在美国很出名。
He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man. 他觉得自己的信仰并不让他比其他人更邪恶。
He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs. 出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。
The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion 该修正案对贬损某一宗教教物或信仰的淫秽或不雅内容予以禁止。
As medical knowledge evolves, beliefs change 随着医学知识的逐步发展,观念也在发生变化。
I don't see my role as foisting my beliefs on them 我没觉得是自己把想法强加在他们身上。
This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth. 这为后来的现代经济发展奠定了基础。●Ifaneventshakesthefoundationsofasocietyorasystemofbeliefs,itcausesgreatuncertaintyandmakespeoplequestiontheirmostdeeplyheldbeliefs.动摇根基(或基础)
As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle. 作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。
By his international achievements he leaves a fitting monument to his beliefs. 他在国际上的成就为其信念作出了最好的注解。
They parade their virtuous beliefs and hide their vices 他们大秀美德并掩盖自己的罪恶。
Mr Weaver and his family have been persecuted by the authorities for their beliefs 韦弗先生和他的家人由于其信仰而遭到当局的迫害。
Weber is challenging his audience to question their own beliefs. 韦伯正要求观众们反思质疑各自的信仰。
The cause of their beliefs, however, was not racialism pure and simple. 然而他们信仰的根据并非纯粹是种族主义。
They were ready to die for their beliefs 他们甘愿为信仰而死。
When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control 当一些事情的发生动摇这些信念时,恐惧就会占据我们的心灵。
In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices. 作为一名年轻医生,她在乡下见识了古老的迷信思想和偏见。
When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe. 当一个部落遭遇文明,首先被践踏脚下的是该部落的宗教信仰。
In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs. 在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。
Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable. 笃信天主教让她完全无法接受堕胎。
Her art became a vehicle for her political beliefs 艺术成了她表达政治信仰的工具。
He quotes ( from) the Bible to support his beliefs. 他引用圣经来支持自己的信念。
His religious beliefs don't allow him to eat meat. 他的宗教信仰不允许他吃肉。
These ideas gradually incorporated with the existing religious beliefs to form a new philosophy. 这些观点逐渐与现存的宗教信仰结合而形成一套新哲学。
We should discard old beliefs. 我们应该抛弃旧观念。
My most basic beliefs never change. 我最基本的信念从来没有改变。
This view does not cohere with their other beliefs. 这个观点与他们的其他看法不一致。
Where did the word come from? there are all sorts of beliefs. 这个词到底是从哪儿来的呢?众说纷纭。