He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements. 他对政府越来越具挑衅性的声明表示担忧。
But the bellicose comments out of the Iranian military have had an unintended consequence at home. 伊朗军方的好战言论在国内造成了一个意想不到的后果。
Its ambassador to London warned early last month that the joint exercises may bring the peninsula "to the brink of war", echoing bellicose rhetoric that grabbed global media attention last year. 上月初,朝鲜驻伦敦大使曾警告称,联合军演可能将朝鲜半岛拖到战争边缘。这与去年引起全球媒体注意的好战言论遥相呼应。
It beats bellicose rhetoric, of course, but Taiwan should hardly expect something for nothing. 当然,这些来往好过恶语相向,但台湾不应期望白拿好处。
As bellicose rival politicians rattled their kris in a recent fishing row with Malaysia, he was statesmanlike and calm. 当来势汹汹的对手在最近与马来西亚的渔业纠纷中破口大骂之时,他却一派平静,颇有政治家之风。
So the South Korean decision-makers believe now that toughness worked, and the Seoul public, which has been unusually bellicose recently, largely shares this opinion. 因此韩国决策者现在相信,强硬立场奏效了,而最近异常好战的韩国公众大多同意这种观点。
These four super powers came to terms of trade and co-existed more or less peacefully, despite some grim tensions between them regarding their bellicose past. 尽管以前的战争导致四个之间超级大国至今摩擦不断,他们达成了贸易协议,并保证了一定的和平。
Despite occasional bellicose reactions to what it regards as provocations, China still harbours no ambition to be a hegemonic power. 尽管在认为受到挑衅时,中国偶尔也会表现得好斗,但它并没有称霸的野心。
The existence of rules in the bullfight makes the bullfight a unique form of art. Bellicose: Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious. 斗牛中规则的出现使斗牛成为一种独一无二的艺术形式。好战的:在行为方式或性格上好战的;好斗的。
All of this was a world away from George W Bush, who was unable to address Muslims in a tone that was not bellicose or patronising. 所有这些都与小布什有天壤之别,小布什是用好战的或者居高临下的语气对穆斯林讲话。
On the North Korean menace, meanwhile, Mr Obama is conforming to a 20-year pattern of US deference to China which has enabled a bellicose, nuclear Pyongyang. 此外,在朝鲜威胁这点上,奥巴马正在遵循顺从中国这个已持续了20年的模式,而正是这种模式造就了一个好战的、拥有核武器的平壤。
His life, only to find their militant existent meaning, it's because he bellicose. 他的一生好战,只为找寻自己存在的意义,正是因为他好战。
Also, I have got to mention such unwise and bellicose leaders of an island country& Japan. 还有,我不得不说一说岛国日本那些既好战又不明智的领导人。
The US military is not planning a pre-emptive attack on Iran in spite of an increase in bellicose rhetoric from Washington, according to senior officers. 美军高官称,尽管华盛顿好战论调有所升级,但美军并未计划对伊朗实施先发制人的打击。
The South has been safer than in decades. Bellicose words are often followed by calmer ones. 多年来,南苏丹是一个比较安全的地方,好战宣言说出之后通常都会得到及时的补救。
An extreme bellicose nationalist. 极端好斗的国家主义者。
They forgot that they had assulted as far too bellicose the same foreign policy that five years later they denounced as strategic retreat. 他们忘记了他们曾经猛烈抨击外交政策太好战,而在五年之后,他们又把同样的外交政策斥之为战略撤退。
Eliminating him may be hard; with the backing of his bellicose tribe, in remote terrain, Mr Mehsud is a more formidable militant than those in Swat. 消灭马哈苏德也许会很困难,有其好战部族在边远地区的支持,马哈苏德比那些斯瓦特武装分子更难对付。
Bellicose young officers; a combative impulse; a contentious nature. 好战的年轻军官;好战的冲动;好战的性格。
On numerous occasions, senior regime figures have chastised the country's feisty populist president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for stirring up needless trouble with his bellicose rhetoric. 在许多场合,年老的政治家都会指责走平民路线的坏脾气总统MahmoudAhmadinejad用自己好战的辞藻煽动制造出毫无必要麻烦。
The announcement came after bellicose North Korean rhetoric earlier in the day, which threatened military action against South Korea for violating a disputed maritime border. 朝鲜发表上述声明之前,曾在昨日早些时候发表了好战言论,扬言要对韩国侵犯一条有争议的海上边界之举采取军事行动。
The chant "you're going home in an ambulance" now sounds less like a bellicose and implausible threat and more like a statement of fact. “你将搭乘救护车回家”的球迷歌曲现在听上去更像是陈述事实,而不是好战的和不真实的威胁。
Indeed, in marked contrast to the run-up to the Iraq war, the British and the French are more bellicose than the Americans. 事实上,与伊拉克战争前夕形成鲜明对比的是,英国人和法国人此次摆出了比美国人更好斗的姿态。
His bellicose disposition alienated his friend. 他生性好斗,他的朋友们都疏远了他。
North Korea has struck an unusually bellicose stance with its rich southern neighbour recently. 朝鲜最近对其富裕的南部邻国采取了异常好斗的姿态。
Bellicose: Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious. Live for the present and the good things which are going to happen in your life. 好战的:在行为方式或性格上好战的;好斗的。为了现在,为了日后生活中的美好事物,好好活着。
The next administration should not be distracted by the idea of a new international organisation to remake the world, nor another bellicose crusade for "Western values" with its inevitable delineation of new enemies. 下一届美国政府不应被建立新国际机构重塑世界格局的一想法分散了注意力,也不应被另一场宣扬“西方价值观”的圣战所困扰这种圣战必然会树立新的敌人。
Faber had imagined them to be young, fit, aggressive and bellicose as well as clever. 在费伯的想象中,他们都是年富力强,逞能好斗,聪明伶俐的人。
I remind myself that the war in Iraq started with bellicose posturing and photographs. 我提醒自己,伊拉克战争始于好斗的姿态和照片。
Following the meeting, bellicose language in the Chinese media calmed down, and Chinese government ships avoided the waters around the islands for several days. 那次会晤之后,中国媒体中的好战言论有所降温,中国公务船也数日避免进入争议岛屿周围水域。