At the onset of 2012, many start-up executives are sticking their copy of lean start-up on the shelf, leaning back and bemoaning the fact that they have a new set of challenges ahead of them. 2012年伊始,不少创业公司的高管都把自己手里的那本《精益创业》(LeanStart-Up)塞回了书架,仰面朝天,为自己将要面对一系列全新的挑战而唏嘘不已。
The villagers, suffering a meager harvest and the many years of war, quickly hid what little they had to eat and met the three at the village square, wringing their hands and bemoaning the lack of anything to eat. 然而由于粮食遭遇欠收和连年的战争,村民们迅速的将它们的一小点粮食藏了起来,并在村子的广场中接待了士兵们,搓着双手,哀叹着他们是多么缺少食物。
However, if you spend your entire week bemoaning the time you're at work and yearning for the end of the week, you may need to get a new job sooner than you'd like. 然而,如果你整周都在抱怨工作,憧憬着周末的时光,那你可能需要去找一份新的工作,比你预想的还要早。
I remember white South African liberals bemoaning apartheid while the maid served supper. 我想起那些一边享用女佣端上的晚餐,一边抱怨种族隔离的南非白人自由派人士。
China's state media are bemoaning the failure of the nation's most ambitious movie to make an impact at this year's Academy Awards. 中国最雄心勃勃的电影没能在今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上有所作为,中国官方媒体纷纷对此表示惋惜。
We were bemoaning the fact that authors of popular fiction found it hard to get published and receive any recognition. 当时大家都喝了点酒,然后都在抱怨通俗小说的作家们很难得到发表的机会,更难以得到社会认可;
In early'07, [ the three founders, former Google employees, were] bemoaning the lack of quality video available on the Web. 在2007年早期,[3个奠基人,前Google员工]哀叹在Web上缺少高质量的视频。
The announcement follows recent reports in the state news media bemoaning the brazen flouting of family planning policies by government officials, successful businessmen, athletes, entertainers and others among the country's newly wealthy. 这个公告的出台是跟随最近的新闻报道,国内新闻媒体抱怨政府官员、成功商人、运动员、娱乐明星和其它新富,公然违反计划生育政策。
I'm not alone in bemoaning the passage of these cultural artifacts. 我不是唯一悲叹这些文化产物没落的人。
A few years ago I met a rival chief executive of a major financial services company who was bemoaning the dearth of talent available in the Asian fund management industry. 几年前,我遇见一家大型金融服务公司的首席执行官,他为亚洲基金管理业缺乏可用人才叹惜不已。
A typical talk on BBC's Radio Three might start by bemoaning the consumer society, with its passion for shopping and the rush to make pointless purchases. 英国广播公司(BBC)广播3台的一个典型谈话节目,可能会以对消费者社会的哀叹拉开序幕,谈论人们的购物激情以及匆忙进行那些毫无意义的购买。
Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds. 大学里的研究员总是抱怨资金不足。
'It is amazing they have come become No.1 in the world with so little financial support,'he said bemoaning the low salaries of the women. 在严重缺乏资金支持的情况下日本女足还能夺冠真是令人惊讶,但他也感叹女性的工资较低。
This time it is David Horsey who weighs in, with a cartoon bemoaning the presidential ambitions of New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former first lady. 本周是漫画家戴维-霍尔西发表见解,他的漫画哀叹了纽约州参议员、前第一夫人希拉里-克林顿想当总统的抱负。
It is entirely possible that, at next year's Davos, delegates will be hailing the resurgence of the American economy, bemoaning the bursting of the Chinese bubble, decrying the rise of the state and singing the praises of high finance. 完全有可能的是,在明年的达沃斯,代表们会为美国经济振兴而欢呼,为中国泡沫破裂而叹息,诋毁国家资本主义的兴起,为金融高管唱赞歌。
There's a long tradition of bemoaning Americans'inadequacy in foreign languages. 实际上,美国人的外语不足是一个漫长的传统。
Over the years there have been many great articles extolling the virtues of CSS based design and bemoaning table based design. 多年以来,许多优秀的文章都在赞美着基于CSS设计的优越,哀叹着基于表格设计的没落。
His other prose, the low-social-status-persons series, is filled with the state of bemoaning the universe. 而他写那些社会底层小人物系列的散文,则充满着一种悲天悯人的情怀。
In bemoaning the culture of the city of London, British politicians signal equivalent defeatism. 英国政客抱怨伦敦金融城(cityoflondon)的文化,发出了同样性质的失败主义信号。
The subprime mortgage market was showing signs of strain and three separate commissions were bemoaning a loss of US competitiveness in financial services. 次贷市场显出紧张的迹象,三大委员会无不感叹美国在金融服务业的竞争力下降。
She listened to him playing adagio, bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals. 他演奏慢板乐章,哀悼死亡的疯狂,祝颂幸存者奇迹似的命运。
Every week or so an article will appear on Linux Today bemoaning the fact that the year of Linux will never come. 大概每周LinuxToday上都有一篇文章出现,叹惋着Linux之年永远不会到来的事实。
In Bali the first group of foreign artists and intellectuals to arrive, in the 1920s, started bemoaning the loss of paradise, and every group since has been bemoaning it in much the same terms for more than 70 years now. 20世纪20年代,第一批来到巴厘岛的艺术家和知识分子,开始哀叹天堂的失落,而自那以后,来的每一批人都在发出几乎相同的哀叹,至今已有70多年了。