'And now, without further ado, let me introduce our benefactor.' “下面,闲话少说,让我来介绍一下我们的赞助人。”
An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. 一个匿名捐助者施以援手提供了奖金。
In his old age he became a benefactor of the arts. 他晚年成了一个艺术赞助人。
An anonymous benefactor tried to abstract this story for a Book report. 一名不愿透露姓名的捐助者试写出这篇故事的梗概,以供写书评使用。
A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor! 这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!
Don't trouble yourself about them, my benefactor, but buy my picture. 您不用管他们,我的恩人,还是买我的这张油画吧。
This is sometimes in the role of benefactor. 它们有时会充当恩人的角色。
With Mr. Mandela's passing, some in the village are concerned they lost a benefactor. 曼德拉逝世后,库奴村的一些人担心他们失去了一个给予他们帮助的人。
To its residents, Vesuvius was a benefactor& not an enemy. 对于附近居民来说,维苏威火山是恩人,而不是敌人。
Our benefactor made up the total with a cheque for$ 4,000. 我们的捐助人给了一张4000美元的支票,凑够了全部的金额。
Your gratitude should have rendered you incapable of such conduct towards your benefactor. 你那感恩戴德之心,使你不可能对您的恩人做出这种事来。
I only saw a man who had meant to be my benefactor. 我只觉得这个人待我恩重如山。
He was a benefactor with collective society at his back. 他是一个捐助者,有整个社会作他的后盾。
In any case, parents are my biggest benefactor this life is worth I will always love the people. 无论如何,父母都是我今生最大的恩人,是值得我永远去爱的人。
He went to long beach to thank his benefactor. 他到长滩去感谢他的恩人。
Many fine museums have the name of a business benefactor Guggenheim or Tate, for example attached to them. 许多杰出的博物馆都冠以商人捐助者的名字,例如古根海姆(guggenheim)和泰特(tate)。
Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, is always on your side and tends not to work against you. 木星,这个伟大的捐赠者行星,总是在你身边而不是与你对立。
A kindly benefactor, he is admired and enjoyed by everyone who makes his acquaintance. 他是一个大好人,请欣赏和享受的人使他的熟人。
Born out of slavery and reared in Reconstruction, this humble man emerged to become a great benefactor to his people and his section. 诞生于奴隶制和饲养重建工作,这谦卑的男子出现,成为一个伟大的恩人给他的人民和他的科。
He lives with his torturous sister and her kindly husband until an unknown benefactor showers Pip in wealth. 他一直和泼辣的姐姐和和蔼可亲的父亲生活在一起,直到一位无名的捐助者给予了他大量的钱财。
He was not insolent to his benefactor, he was simply insensible. 他对他的恩人并非无礼,他只是漫不经心。
Truth to tell, I feared your benefactor would make me eat my head. 说真的,我还怕你的恩人要我吃掉我的头呢。
The Archangel Tyrael has always been our benefactor, but even he cannot help us now. 大天使泰瑞尔一直以来都是我们这一族的恩人,但现在即使是他也帮不了我们。
She perceived I had discovered my real benefactor. 她知道我已经明白了我真正的恩主是谁。
He did, however, discover his anonymous benefactor. 不过,他终于找到了那个匿名的恩人,那就是葛拉齐亚。
I am myself one of the pensioners upon the fund left by our noble benefactor. 我自己就是一个我们的高贵的施主遗留基金的养老金领取者。
Know that his benefactor turned out to be a fugitive; he began to evolve from the environment. 知道他的恩人竟然是一个逃犯时,他开始从环境中蜕变出来。
We've received a handsome donation from an anonymous benefactor. 我们从一位匿名的捐助者那里收到一笔可观的捐赠。
Scrooge later became Tiny Tim's benefactor. 斯克路基后来成了蒂尼·蒂姆的保护人。
Now, young Chiang turned against his father's benefactor and arrested the opium king's son. 现在小蒋竟整了他父亲的恩人,把这个鸦片大王的儿子抓起来了。