Whenever she was taken out, her ankles were chained together to permit only small steps and her benefactress held the end of her chain. 一旦她被带到外面,她的脚踝就被锁链连在一起,以保证她只能以很小的步子行走,她的领养人总是握着锁链的末端。
He strikes, without knowing it, the bosom of the revolution, his benefactress. 他不自觉地打击了使他受惠的革命。
"I hope that sigh is from the heart, and that you repent of ever having been the occasion of discomfort to your excellent benefactress." “但愿你的叹息是发自内心的,但愿你已后悔不该给你的大恩人带来烦恼。”