PHRASE 暂且相信;姑且信之 If you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you treat them as if they are telling the truth or as if they have behaved properly, even though you are not sure that this is the case.
At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt... 起初,我姑且相信了他。
Shalford is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. 沙尔福德暂且获得了信任。
PHRASE 为了…的利益;为…好 If you say that someone is doing something for the benefit of a particular person, you mean that they are doing it for that person.
You need people working for the benefit of the community... 你们需要为社区谋利益的人。
He doesn't have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit! 他不必为了我作这么详细的展示!
The English boy's Chinese benefited incalculably through his long association with Chinese children. 在跟中国孩子长期接触中,那个英国男孩的中文大受裨益。
I benefited from the 'economic development' of that land& farms, factories, schools, houses. 我从这片土地的“经济发展”&农场,工厂,学校和住房得到了好处。
I benefited by being on that beautiful land. 我从我生活的这片美丽的土地得到了好处。
Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. 海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。
The guide lists a range of services and applications that have benefited from XMPP. 向导列出了一系列已经从XMPP获益的服务和应用程序。
The United States has welcomed Chinas growth and we have benefited from it. 美国欢迎中国的发展并从中受益。
China's assistance to some of the developing Portuguese-speaking countries has benefited the local people. 中国对部分发展中葡语国家的援助造福于当地人民。
Our partners benefited from its focus on the services and retail sectors. 我们的伙伴受益于服务和零售部门。
While helping Chinese enterprises develop, overseas enterprises have also benefited from it, hence mutual benefit and all-win. 这些企业帮助了中国企业的成长,同时也在合作中获得了利益,取得了互利和双赢的结果。
Greece has benefited from billions of euros of grants for agriculture and infrastructure. 希腊获得了数十亿欧元的农业和基础设施补贴。
I have benefited from your help. 我已经从你的帮助中获益了。
We have benefited from competition and realized the benefits in terms of higher standards. 我们从竞争中获益,实现了更高程度上的利益。
This also benefited the exports and economic activity of trading partners. 这也为贸易伙伴国的出口和经济活动带去了好处。
Sweden may also have benefited from not using the euro: a Krona devaluation last year helped exports. 未采用欧元可能也对瑞典有所帮助:去年瑞典克朗贬值促进了出口。
There is evidence that countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand and Mexico have already benefited. 有证据显示,孟加拉国、越南、泰国和墨西哥等国家已经受益。
But other countries benefited too. 但其它国家也从中受益。
Germany has benefited more than it acknowledges through the monetary channel, too. 德国还从货币渠道中获得了比它愿意承认的更多的益处。
Vulnerable groups, especially women and girls, have particularly benefited from the program. 弱势群体,特别是妇女和女童,尤其因该规划受益。
Argentina and Brazil have benefited from the trend. 阿根廷和巴西已经从这种趋势中受益。
Rising prices of precious metals and other commodities have also benefited many other resource-rich African countries. 稀有金属和其他商品日益上涨的价格也使得许多非洲资源丰富的国家从中受益。
I enjoyed my time here and benefited from it immensely. 我无限地从它享受了我的时间这里而且获益。
Developed nations have been benefited through this advancement in space design, resulting better quality of life. 发达国家已经从这一空间设计的进步中受益,获得了更好的生活品质。
I don't think my language benefited so much from it, but I had fun doing it. 我不认为我的语言学习从唱歌中得到了多大帮助,但我从中获得了乐趣。