And when he had thus spoken, the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and they that sat with them 于是王,和巡抚,并百尼基,与同坐的人,都起来
23 the next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the audience room with the high ranking officers and the leading men of the city. 第二天,亚基帕和百尼基大张威势而来,同著众千夫长和城里的尊贵人进了公厅。
Bernice: I simply cannot find her. 伯:我怎么也找不著她。
Bernice: No, don't be silly. I was walking along Sunrise Boulevard when I saw this guy coming out of the bookstore. 伯妮斯:不是,别说傻话。我在朝阳大道走,看见一个男人从书店里走出来。
I'm Deborah and this is my daughter, bernice. 我是黛博拉,这是我女儿,伯妮斯。
When the circus was performing, Bernice, Annabelle, and Bruce would entertain the crowds. 马戏团在表演时,柏妮丝、安纳贝尔和布鲁斯会娱乐群众。
The designer-name craze crescendoed in the mid-seventies ( Bernice Kanner) 崇尚设计师之名狂热在七十年代中期达到高潮(伯尼斯坎纳)
The circus got shut down and Bernice was separated from her little bears and taken away to be locked up. 马戏团遭人关闭,而柏妮丝则被迫与孩子们分离,被带去关起来。
That night when Bernice and her little bears performed, the crowd was very rude. 那天晚上柏妮丝和她的熊宝宝在表演的时候,群众很不守规矩。
Reverend Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that it is Maria, I suggest you look in some place unusual. 嬷嬷:伯尼斯修女,考虑到这是玛丽亚。我建议你去不寻常的地方找找看。
Unfortunately, Bernice's success excited jealousy in her friends. 不幸的是,伯妮斯的成功引起了朋友们的妒忌。
Annabelle and Bruce were safe and Bernice was free to go to another city with them. 安娜贝儿和布鲁斯都安然无恙,柏妮丝也可以自由地跟他们一起到下一个城市去了。
A few days later King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus. 13过了些日子、亚基帕王、和百尼基氏、来到该撒利亚、问非斯都安。
Bernice, Annabelle, and Bruce would entertain the crowds. 柏妮丝和安娜贝儿和布鲁斯会娱乐群众。
Bernice: Yes. It's written by a man who lived there for ten years. 柏妮丝:对。是一个在那边住了十年的人写的。
Bernice Lee summarises a new Chatham House report. 李永怡总结查塔姆研究所的新报告。
One drunk man even crept into the ring and tried to grab Bernice's children. 一名酒醉男子甚至溜进场内,试图要抓走柏妮丝的孩子。
Bernice: It's a noble idea, but it never really works that way. 柏妮丝:这是个很高尚的出发点,但是不是这样就行得通的。
A: Bernice's finally had enough of Raymond's nonstop cheating and broke up with him. A:Bernice终于受够了Raymond长期的不忠实而和他分手了。
Bernice was pleased to see Archie opening the door to her cage. 她很高兴看见阿奇打开笼子的门。
Bernice Sorenson believes this attitude results in some only children carrying a burden of shame: that onlies are envied and despised for having both "a lack and an unfair advantage". 伯妮斯索伦森认为,这种态度导致一些独生子女背上了羞愧的负担:独生子女由于拥有“一种缺失和一种不公平的优势”而遭到嫉妒和轻视。
Bernice is a girl about my age. 伯妮斯是个和我年纪接近的女孩。
Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. 伯尼斯修女:她经常去的地方我都已经找过了。
Bernice: She's missing from the abbey again. 伯:她又不在修道院了。
The present paper analyzes the scapegoat motif in two representative novels of contemporary Jewish woman writer Bernice Rubens with the indication that it is this scapegoat identity that determines the characters 'tragic life. 本文解析了当代英国犹太女作家伯尼斯·鲁本思的两部代表性小说中的替罪羊形象,指出正是这种替罪羊身份决定了主人公悲剧性的人生。