It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others. 令人震惊的是,人竟然能对同类下此毒手。
His bestiality made people bristle with anger. Computer program that turns instructions in a high-level language into a form that the computer can understand and act on 他的禽兽行为令人发指。将高级语言指令转换为计算机可识别并照其执行的编译程序
Erect, haughty, brilliant, he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel. 他挺身直立,气派雄豪,威风凛凛,把个勇猛天神的超人淫威布满了天空。
A man can live a life of bestiality and then be considered a fit husband for the youngest and purest girl! 一个男人居然可以过着衣冠禽兽的生活,然后被看作是一个最年轻、最纯洁的姑娘的称心丈夫。
His bestiality made people bristle with anger. 他的禽兽行为令人发指。
His bestiality made people bristle with anger. EAS Professional Development Unit 他的禽兽行为令人发指。执行级行政人员专业发展组
I understand the bestiality of war, the horror of killing, and because I understand it I have this ideal of not killing. 我了解战争的残忍,杀戮的恐怖,因为我了解这些,所以我有了不杀生的理想。
Bestiality: The quality or condition of being an animal or like an animal. 兽性:兽或象兽的品质或状态。
Investigation on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Avian Influenza among Poultry and Non-poultry Workers in Pearl River Delta His bestiality made people bristle with anger. 珠江三角洲禽类从业人员和非禽类从业人员禽流感知信行调查他的禽兽行为令人发指。
But, on the view of Ethical Literary Criticism, humanity is a good thing, more advanced than the bestiality, which represents human instinct. 但是,从文学伦理学批评的观点看来,人性是好的东西、是善的一面,它是与表现人本能的兽性相对的、较高级的一面。