When we can move our limbs freely and go wherever we want and do whatever we want, we do not realize it is literally the greatest blessing God bestows upon us. 当我们可以自由地活动四肢,想去哪里就去哪里,想做什么就做什么,我们丝毫不觉得这其实是上苍给予我们最大的福气。
Today God still bestows these abilities and thousands of others, so people can serve him. 今天神仍赐与千万人这些才能,让他们可以事奉他。
As long as we live, we need air, water, fertile soil and the countless other gifts this planet bestows. 只要活着,我们就需要空气、水、肥沃的土壤以及这个星球赐予我们的万物。
They calculate that this contempt bestows on them an outsider status that helps their cause in an era of widespread disillusion with establishment parties. 他们认为,这种蔑视赋予了他们一种局外人的身份,在当权党派普遍令人失望的时代,这种身份有利于他们事业的发展。
Succeeding as an entrepreneur takes hard work and persistence because, unfortunately, there is no business-startup fairy who magically bestows success on small businesses and their owners. 成功的创业者需要付出努力和毅力,因为非常不幸的是,世上并没有创业小精灵,能够神奇般地将成功赐予小公司和他们的老板。
Memory, I think, is the most valuable treasure God bestows to human. 我想,记忆是上天赋予人类最宝贵的财富。
That's because the heaven bestows them the right to use the whole nation's resources. 这就是因为上天赋予他使用整个国家资源的权利。
For the Lord God is a sun and shield, he bestows favor and honor. 因为耶和华是日头,是盾牌,要赐下恩惠和荣耀。
The modern atheist, for instance, who bestows meaning upon death in terms of Weltanschauung of progressive evolution or of revolutionary history also does so by integrating death within a reality-spanning symbolic universe. 例如,在横跨实在的象徵性共同体中,无神论者在逐步演化或革命历史的世界观中,赋予死亡意义。
He bestows rain on the earth; he sends water upon the countryside. 降雨在地上,赐水于田里;
A bad man is known from the manner in which he bestows censure; a good man, from the manner in which he receives it. 我们可以从一个人诋毁他人的行径认识这是一个拙劣的人,而从容应对诋毁可以使我们认识到一个优秀的人。
E., Forgiveness is an ornament of the learned; it bestows charm to life and gives perfect health. 即:宽恕是博学的一种装饰,它为人生赋予魅力并带来完美的健康。
We believe Holy Spirit is the comforter, arrives in the world, with follower with in, bestows the life, teaching, influence, Guidance, until forever. 我们相信圣灵是保惠师,降临世上,与信徒同在,赐生命,教导,感化,引导,直到永远。
We are ultimately controlled by that which bestows what we seek or removes what we don't want. 我们终究是为赐予我们所求或去除我们所不想要的力量所掌控。
Water in the north-east of the house bestows health, wealth and happiness, he says. 房屋东北向的水流寓意健康、财运与幸福,杰弗列说。
Iago. Sir, would she give you so much of her lips As of her tongue she oft bestows on me, You'll have enough. 伊阿古老兄,要是她向你掀动她的嘴唇,也像她向我掀动她的舌头一样,那你就要叫苦不迭了。
God bestows love upon the world, first in creating it out of nothing, no reason why there had to be a world, and no reason why there had to be human beings. 上帝将爱赐予世界,首先是从虚无,创造了世界,为什么要有世界,为什么要有人类都没有原因。
Sven years sales management experience in both domestic and oversea market bestows me capability to manage sales team and explore market. 七年多海内外销售管理经验充分历练了个人管理销售团队和开拓市场的能力。
It is this that bestows charms on a monster, and makes even the imperfections of nature please us. 正是它赋予古怪于魅力,甚至有缺陷也令我们感到欢愉。
He bestows wealth on those he likes. 他喜欢那些赋予他的财富。
On a successful critical hit, a soul feeder weapon bestows one negative level on the foe. 吸魂武器成功重击时使敌人承受一个负向等级。
He is that great saintly spiritual master, most magnanimous within this universe, who bestows devotion to Krsna in various places throughout the world. 他在世界各地赐予人们做奉爱服务的机会,他就是这样一位伟大的、神圣的灵性导师。
Some matters, cannot wield, then bestows on by writes palely. 有些事、挥不去、便赋以淡写。
This Thangka in gold mainly depicts the Tara Who Bestows Prosperity, one of the families of twenty-one Taras, and also an incarnation of Avalokitesvara. 宝源度母纯金唐卡,以宝源度母为本尊,宝源度母是二十一度母其中之一,亦是观音菩萨其中一个化身。
He bestows stability, strength and renewed power after death. 他赋予稳定性,强度和新的权力后死亡。
Who bestows strength upon the sleeping grass as it sprouts up in early spring? 春天来临,小草破土萌芽,是什么给它力量?
What is the task that nature bestows on human? By human's pursuit of five desires, what does nature ask human to do? 然则,大自然所赋予人类的任务又是什么呢?大自然又是想借着人类对五欲的追求,去完成什么样的任务呢?
But peace of mind-that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love, He bestows it charily. 但是,“心如止水”则是他最后认可的奖赏,这也是对他的普爱最受宠爱的勋章。
Chinese artichoke "amritaalsoamreeta: The ambrosia, prepared by the Hindu gods, that bestows immortality." 甘露:印度神话中赐人长生不老的仙露