Our real bete noire is the car boot sale. 我们最烦那些用汽车后备箱摆摊卖旧货的。
Biology and chemistry are my bete noires. 生物学和化学是我最厌恶的两个学科。
Since the Lehman bankruptcy filing he has become a public bete noire, taking flak for everything from excessive pay to excessive hubris 自从雷曼申请破产以来,他已成为公众眼中的罪人,饱受诟病,从薪酬过高到过于傲慢自大,骂名不一而足
The rising awareness of climate change has made coal the bete Noire of many politicians and environmentalists, eclipsing even nuclear power in terms of controversy. 日益渐长的气候变化意识,使煤炭成为许多政客和环保人士的眼中钉,引发比核能更大的争议。
The Study of Status Quo and Countermeasures on Students Dislike of Learning in Secondary Vocational Schools; Biology and chemistry are my bete noires. 中等职业学校学生厌学现状及对策研究生物学和化学是我最厌恶的两个学科。
Glass plates deposited with metal through vapor deposition were used as attenuation elements. Build-up and attenuation of bete dose within a porcelain slice 衰减器采用金属蒸发镀膜衰减片作为衰减元件,连续衰减和步进衰减相结合。瓷片中β剂量的积累和衰减研究
Build-up and attenuation of bete dose within a porcelain slice 瓷片中β剂量的积累和衰减研究