The president alone betokened the national identity. 总统本身代表着一个国家的形象。
This morbid meddling of conscience with an immaterial matter betokened, it is to be feared, no genuine and steadfast penitence, but something doubtful, something that might be deeply wrong, beneath. 把良心和一件无关紧要的事情病态地联系在一起,恐怕并不能说明真心实意的仟悔,其背后可能有些颇值怀疑和极其荒谬的东西。
An expression which clearly betokened how deeply his feelings had been hurt. 清楚地表明了他的感情受到的伤害有多深的表情。
His thin face, deeply furrowed by care, and the bold outline of his strongly marked features, betokened a man more accustomed to exercise his mental faculties than his physical strength. 他那神色疲惫的脸上刻满了忧虑的皱纹,再加上他那个性坚毅的轮廓,一望便知他是一个惯于劳心而少劳力的人。
In the alchemy of his brain, trigonometry and mathematics and the whole field of knowledge which they betokened were transmuted into so much landscape. 这家人所象征的三角、数学和整个知识领域经过他头脑的炼金术一冶炼便变成了美妙的景物。