The results also indicate that anti-feeding rate and death rate as well as growth inhibition rate of armyworm have correspondingly changed with the concentration change of the extract: the higher the concentration of extracts applied on armyworm, the bett the anti-feeding effect. 研究还表明,随乙酸乙脂萃取物浓度的变化,粘虫的拒食率、死亡率及生长发育抑制率都会有相应变化。且随着萃取物浓度的增加,对粘虫的拒食作用增强。
We're King bett america. 我们使美国的明天更好。
The need for schools to prepare for21st century learning was top of the agenda at this year's BETT conference. 本年度英国教育技术展的首要任务是让学校为21世纪的学习做好准备。