A self-confessed bibliophile, the artist wrote in 1990, my books feed into the pictures I make with an untutored passion. 基塔伊承认自己爱书成狂,他在1990年写道:我的画会以质朴的激情,从我的书中吸取养分。
Are you a bibliophile with power tools, ready access to lumber and an open loft? 你是一个书虫,并且同时拥有大件工具、木材以及够宽敞的阁楼吗?
My father is a bibliophile. 我的父亲是一位藏书家。
Oops, forgot to mention you are in the Bibliophile drawing. 哎呀,忘了提及您是在藏书绘图。
He has a collection of fifty thousand books-he's a real bibliophile. 他拥有五万册藏书,真是个爱书人。
Zhou Zuoren is not just a famous author and critics in Contemporary History of China, but also an influential bibliophile. 周作人不仅是中国现代著名的作家和评论家,也是一位有影响的藏书家。
If you're a bibliophile I'll be selling many folios in the next week so keep looking. 如果你是一个藏书我将出售在下周许多对开纸,使望。
Jiao Hong was a famous scholar, thinker, essayist and bibliophile in Ming Dynasty. 焦是明代南京著名的学者、思想家、文章家、藏书家。
He is a famous bibliophile of Fuzhou in the Qing Dynasty and an accomplished philologist, scholar and poet in our country. 我国清代福州著名的藏书家,更是一位卓有成就的文献学家、学者和诗人。