It's not only necessary to improve the bikeway environment but also the infrastructure of the bikeway system to provide safety to cyclists and to provide the utilization rate of bicycles. 目前台湾地区自行车道系统仍有许多需要改善,如自行车道系统之周边环境及基础设施,方能保障自行车骑士之安全及提升自行车之使用率。
The degree of satisfaction to the bikeway was evaluated higher by landscape designers than general public. 景观专业人员对于各环境空间车道设施骑乘满意度评值很高;
It is funny to find that the way back home is one famous biking trail: Sea to River Bikeway. 令我高兴的是,居然回家的路是本市有名的自行车道:海通河之路。
Main factors that influence the degree of satisfaction to the bikeway include length, width, slope, curvature, paving and side barrier. 影响各环境空间整体骑乘满意度之车道设施,以车道长度、宽度、坡度、弯度、铺面及护栏设施等极为重要。