His face was described as bilaterally asymmetrical, and various other signs of degeneration were described. 他的脸被描写成两面不对称,还涂上了些别的堕落迹象。
We have deepened and broadened our cooperation on a range of issues bilaterally, regionally, and globally. 在双边、地区以及全球性活动中,我们都深化并拓宽了在一系列问题上的合作。
How will China and India enhance cooperation both bilaterally and in international affairs? 在双边和国际事务中,中印将如何加强合作?
The two sides have been engaged in constructive discussions through various channels over several years bilaterally and multilaterally, including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process and the Major Economies Forum. 过去几年里,双方通过双边和多边渠道,包括在联合国气候变化框架公约进程和经济大国论坛下,开展了富有建设性的讨论。
Bilaterally, this could take the form of an investment treaty between China and the US. 从中美双方看,这可以以中美投资条约的形式实现。
Agitation was associated with decreased GM values in the left insula, and in anterior cingulate cortex bilaterally. 情绪激动与左侧岛叶和双侧前扣带回皮质的灰质密度降低具有相关性。
Median testicular volume was lower bilaterally in patients than controls, as were median sperm count and motility. 患者双侧睾丸体积的中位数低于对照组,精子数目和活动力亦如是。
These tariffs are imposed bilaterally but WTO rules limit their scope. 这些关税的征收是双边的,但WTO规则限制了其范围。
UBS has argued such matters are best handled bilaterally between governments. 瑞银提出,此类事情最好在双方政府之间处理。
Effect of rosiglitazone on bone microarchitecture of bilaterally ovariectomized rats 马来酸罗格列酮对去势大鼠骨微结构的影响
We raise these concerns bilaterally, but also must ensure that we resolve them under the rules-based system of the WTO and the IMF. 我们通过双边途径提出了这些关注,而且必须确保在世贸组织和国际货币基金组织(IMF)基于规则的体系内解决这些问题。
Stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers. 加利福尼亚中部到华盛顿北部地区的一种强壮的兰花,有总状花序,白色、芳香的小花对称开放。
Japanese officials say that working on a trilateral basis can be more productive than negotiating bilaterally with China. 日本官员表示,在三边基础上磋商比与中国进行双边谈判更富有成果。
Merchants tried to balance trade bilaterally, relying partly on barter while making some use of coin. 商人们试图实现双边贸易平衡部分依赖以物易物,部分依赖使用硬币。
Today the EU, the US, Canada, Japan and other western countries act bilaterally to support Ukraine. 如今,欧盟、美国、加拿大、日本和其他西方国家纷纷单方面采取行动,支持乌克兰。
The harder it pushes for fair trade with poorer countries, either bilaterally or through the WTO, the worse is the danger of backsliding all round. 它越是卖力地与比较穷的国家推进自由贸易,不管是以双边还是通过世贸组织的方式,全面倒退的危险就越严重。
They worked out an agreement bilaterally. 他们达成了双边协议。
Nodular gray matter abuts and impinges on ventricles bilaterally, left greater than right. 结节状的灰质邻接并突向脑室,左侧比右侧明显。
North Korea had been talking to the administration of George W. Bush on and off from 2003 but generally in the context of six-party talks, not bilaterally as it craves. 朝鲜从2003年开始与乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府进行了断断续续的谈判,但一般是在六方会谈的背景下,而不是其一直渴望的双边谈判。
It is found that the "attack accuser" strategy is the one most often used bilaterally. 本研究发现「反击对手」是候选人最常使的反应策略;
One area where the two nations have cooperated extensively is in addressing the recent global financial crisis, both bilaterally and through the Group of20 advanced economies. 两国已经进行广泛合作的一个领域是:以双边方式及通过发达经济体组成的20国集团(Groupof20)抗击最近的全球金融危机。
I've seen elite swimmers on TV and they don't always breathe bilaterally? 我曾经在电视里看到高手他们并不总是双侧换气?
Primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates. 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物。
But neither the US deficit nor the Chinese surplus is, of course, determined bilaterally. 当然,无论是美国的赤字还是中国的盈余,都不由双方决定。
Note the bilaterally enlarged kidneys that nearly fill the abdomen below the liver. 双侧肾脏增大,几乎占满了肝脏以下的腹腔。
As a result Chinese buyers prefer targets with a single big shareholder who can negotiate bilaterally. 这样一来,中国买家们则将目光投向了那些有单一大股东的企业,以便进行双边谈判。
Effect of long-term administration of rosiglitazone on bone trabecular in the bilaterally ovariectomized rats 长期使用罗格列酮对去势大鼠骨小梁的影响
We look forward to continuing our work with China in the G-20 and bilaterally to strengthen the recovery. 我们期待与中国在G20框架下或双边基础上推动世界经济复苏。
Any tensions should be "resolved bilaterally", the foreign minister was quoted as saying by Radio Australia. 这位外交部长在澳洲广播电台发表的言论称,任何矛盾都应该通过双边解决。