As companies hire from an ever more diverse labor pool, they reap the benefits of bilingualism, but they're also running into a Babel of problems. 各家公司从文化背景更加多样化的人力资源中招聘员工,从双语制中获得了好处,但是他们也正面临着许多因语言不同而产生的问题。
Now researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Learning Brain Sciences are investigating the brain mechanisms that contribute to infants 'prowess at learning languages, with the hope that the findings could boost bilingualism in adults, too. 目前,华盛顿大学学习与脑科学研究所的研究人员们在对促进婴儿非凡的语言能力的大脑机制进行研究,他们希望研究结果也可以推动成人的双语教育。
Bilingual kids seem to do better on tasks examining problem-solving skills and creativity, according to a study in the International Journal of Bilingualism. 根据《国际双语杂志》的一项研究,会讲两种语言的孩子似乎能更好地完成考察解决问题的技巧和创造力的任务。
This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. 这种双语观点与20世纪以来人们对双语的理解有着显著差异。
Our goal is real bilingualism by eighth grade, which is near native, she said. 我们的目标是,学生读到八年级时要能真正谙熟两门语言,接近母语水平,她说。
Dr Lauchlan said: Bilingualism is now largely seen as being beneficial to children but there remains a view that it can be confusing, and so potentially detrimental to them. 劳克伦博士说:现在基本上都认为双语对孩子有益,但是仍有观点认为,双语会让孩子混乱,对他们有着潜在的不利影响。
He study has been published in the International Journal of Bilingualism. 该研究已发表在《国际双语研究》上。
The form and development of the two-name system has something done with the bilingualism of Han and Bai Languages in Bai people's history. 双名制的形成和发展与其历史上白、双语并用的语言环境有密切关系。
Bilingualism is an important feature of our education system. It is as important for the future as it has been for the past. 双语政策是我国教育体系的重要一环,正如过去的举足轻重影响,双语政策在未来也同等重要。
Childhood bilingualism has many positive effects, and above all, it enhances selective attention. 童年的双语环境有许多好的影响,最重要的是,它能够增强孩子选择性的注意能力。
What's the difference between diglossia and bilingualism? 双语和双言现象有什么区别?
There are challenges and impediments for children of English-speaking homes to surmount in their journey towards bilingualism. 在以英语为沟通用语家庭里成长的孩子,在掌握双语的道路上,必须克服许多困难和阻碍。
The application of the two-name system is necessary in the bilingualism society. 而双名制则是双语民族社会交际的客观需要。
The point is that women are both different and equal and to this end they call for "bilingualism" at work women and men bring different qualities to work, but of equal value to the company. 她们的观点是,女性既是不同的也是平等的,为此,她们呼吁在工作中实行“双语主义”女性与男性给工作带来不同的品质,但对公司具有同样有价值。
Individuals who enjoy the flexibility of bilingualism and the cultural understanding it allows will be able to interpret the world for others, and to adapt more confidently to a changing and culturally ambiguous international environment. 能够灵活掌握双语和熟悉两种文化的人才,可以帮助他人了解世局的变化,也能更有信心的适应瞬息万变和文化差异日益模糊的国际环境。
Code-switching and Unbalanced Bilingualism in EFL Teachers 'Discourse 语码转换与EFL教师话语的非平衡双语特征
Merging Chinese and Western teaching and learning approaches, practicing bilingualism and ensuring that children are confident in English as well as in Chinese. 融会中西方最优秀的教学,实践双语教学,培养幼儿自信地使用英语和汉语。
As the educational experts believe that bilingualism helps stimulate a child's intellectual development, discerning Singaporean parents should take note of this sound advice. 教育专家相信双语能力能够激励孩童的智力发展,这一点家长们应该注意。
For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meaning in terms of the cultures in which they function. 要真正把翻译做好,可以说,掌握两种文化比学会两种语言更重要,因为只有在文化中,语言才有意义。
Furthermore, it is regarded as a central issue in bilingualism research and the studies on its implication in bilingual classrooms are of great value. 而且语码转换被视为双语制研究中的重要内容,对它在双语课堂中的应用的研究尤其具有重要意义。
What is bilingualism and diglossia? 什么是双语现象和双语体?
The relationship between bilingualism and cognitive development is an important problem in which psychologists are concerned. 双语与认知发展的关系一直是心理学家关注的一个重要问题。
On Textual Bilingualism: Study of Self-Translation Texts in Western Language 文本双语主义考辨&西方语言自译作品研究
Bilingualism is a farsighted educational policy. 双语体制是很有远见的体制。
The Effect of Bilingualism on the Acquisition of English as a Third Language 双语能力对于英语作为第三语言学习的影响
The Typologies of Bilingualism and the Attribute of Bilingual Instruction of China 双语制类型学分类与我国双语教学的属性
Recent development of research on the relationship between bilingualism and cognitive development 双语与认知发展关系的近期研究进展
Cognitive research on bilingualism has been a focus in the field of language cognition over the recent twenty years. 双语认知研究是近二十年来语言认知领域的一个热点。
A working definition of bilingualism is the use by individuals of two languages in their daily lives. 双语现象的惯用定义是指个人在日常生活中使用两种语言的现象。
Bilingualism, Bidialectism and Children's English Education The two accounts tallied. 双语制、双方言与幼儿英语教育研究双方的帐目符合了。