Watch out for addictions such as alcohol and tobacco, as well as overeating or sugar binges and the many other things that people use to numb out in busy times. 注意提防酒精上瘾或吸烟上瘾,同时也要防止暴饮暴食或是摄入太多糖分以及所有那些人们在忙碌工作时用来麻痹自己的东西。
A Faraway Friend calls late at night, invites you to her wedding, always says she is coming to visit but rarely shows up. An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds. 远方的朋友会半夜打来电话,邀请你去参加她的婚礼,她总是说要来看你,却很少露面。要是真的来访,那才叫不亦乐乎,各种名目的狂欢可就有了理由。
Policy makers have also shown that they understand the need for China's growth model to move away from the credit-fuelled investment binges of the past, and that this means structurally lower growth. 另外,决策者也表现出,他们知道中国的增长模式需摆脱过去那种信贷推动的投资热,并且知道这种模式的转变意味着改变中国经济的内在结构,放慢经济增长速度。
In 2010, officers vowed that anti-social behaviour would not be tolerated and told the infamous drinking societies which organise all-day binges that they risked breaking the law. 在2010年,有关官员曾表示不能容忍这种反社会的行为,并告诉这一声名狼藉的组织全天狂欢活动的饮酒社团,他们有可能会触犯法律。
A colleague of mine in his early30s with chronic diabetes nevertheless continued his business-based drinking binges. 我的一个受糖尿病困扰近30年的同事,为了他的小前程仍在苦苦的坚持中。
What are some healthful ways to boost your emotional state without resorting to cigarettes, alcohol, food binges, credit card abuse, or anything else with negative consequences? 除去求助于吸烟喝酒、暴饮暴食、疯狂购物或其他产生消极后果的方法外,有没有增强你情感状态的健康方法呢?
Does your man disappear on drinking binges for long hours without answering his cell phone? 你的丈夫是否会消失很久、狂饮一番并且不接手机?
What is needed instead is a way of catching people like Mr Cummings before they go on their "optimistic" binges. 相反,我们需要的是找到方法在卡明斯之徒开始肆意“乐观”之前就把他们揪出来。
The English-speaking countries are widely perceived to be down and out after housing binges and financial busts. 经历过住房热潮和金融崩溃之后,人们普遍认为英语国家将陷于穷困潦倒。
She binges about once a month and is stone-cold sober the rest of the time. 她每个月豪饮一次,剩下的时间滴酒不沾。
One man binges as a way of accepting the love of his big Italian-American family. 一位男士将暴饮暴食看成是表示接受来自他的美籍意大利人大家族的爱的方式。
They mismanaged their public finances and delayed economic reforms needed to strengthen competitiveness. They tolerated private sector debt binges and reckless bank lending. They let at least one country – Greece – adopt the euro before it was ready. 是他们对本国财政管理不当,耽误了增强竞争力所必需的经济改革;是他们纵容私人部门的债务狂欢和银行业不计后果的放贷;是他们允许(至少是)希腊在准备就绪之前就启用欧元。
Anderson started out on his alcoholic binges at quite an early age. 安德森很小就开始饮酒作乐了。
Both binges ended badly, as companies sold their stakes at a loss and bolted for home. 这两次疯狂行为最后的结果都很糟,日本公司低价卖出它们买下的股权,然后溜回了家。
America's first family has its share of parenting headaches with George Bush's twin daughters acting out their resentment at his chosen career with underage drinking binges and other escapades. 美国第一家庭为了教育双胞胎女儿而伤透了脑筋,布什的双胞胎女儿们用未成年酗酒狂欢和其他的出轨行为来表达对父亲所选择的职业的不满。
Third, absorbing and understanding the essence of disturbance coefficient ideology, taking the fuzzy math as a tool, the writer binges forward the fuzzy-disturbance method for the hazard space division. 吸收和领会袭扰系数法的基本思想,基于模糊数学原理,作者进一步提出了袭扰&模糊法(R-F法)用于地质灾害易发性区划。