Ultraweak Biophoton Emission and Chlorophyll Contents in Leaves of Mung Bean Seedlings under Different Spectrum Lights 光质对绿豆幼苗叶片超微弱发光及叶绿素含量的影响
Soliton Character of Biophoton and Analyses of the Effects on the Interaction of Weak Laser Photon with Biomolecule 生物光子的孤子特征及弱激光与生物分子相互作用分析
The mechanism of biophoton emission is a basic subject of ultra weak biophoton emission research. 生物超微弱发光的产生机理是生物光子学研究领域的基本课题。
The results showed that the changes in ultraweak biophoton emission and CAT, POD activity present remarkably positive correlation ( P < 0.01), the changes in ultraweak biophoton emission and AP activity, protein content present remarkable negative correlation ( P < ( 0.01)). 结果表明,叶片的超弱发光变化与CAT,POD活性呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与AP活性、蛋白含量变化呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。
Elemental Studies on Biophoton Field Properties 生物光子场特性的初步研究
Non-resonant transition is often done by optical nonlinearity such as high-intensity laser irradiation or multi-photon, but it was recently found to be done by low-intensity laser irradiation or monochromatic light in biophoton emission systems and photobiomodulation systems. 非共振跃迁通常是通过强激光或多光子等光学非线性实现的。近年来,在生物超弱发光系统和光生物调节作用系统发现了低强度激光或单色光的非共振跃迁现象。
The Ultraweak Biophoton Emission and ROS in the Callus Culture of Strawberry 草莓愈伤组织的超弱发光及活性氧代谢变化的研究
The changes in ultraweak biophoton emission, several antioxidant enzyme activity, protein content and pigment content during wheat leave development were measured. 测定了发育过程中小麦叶片的超弱发光,以及叶片中的色素、蛋白质含量和几种抗氧化酶活性。
The results indicate that biophoton emission displays a very sensitive response for internal and external influences and has then analytical applications. 实验结果表明,生物光子对生物系统内部的变化及外界环境的影响有高度的敏感性,因此生物光子的探测和分析能够揭示系统内部的细节变化、展示外界环境的微弱影响。
Gu has presented the quantum theory on biophoton emission according to the Dicke model. 根据Dicke近似,顾樵曾经提出PE的全量子理论。
Spectral studies of ultra weak biophoton emission from plant ′ s leaves 植物叶片超微弱发光光谱研究
The conclusion has important significance for proving the biophoton coherence. 这一结论对于证明生物光子场的相干性具有重要意义。
Ultraweak Biophoton Emission in Mung Bean and Peanut 绿豆和花生的超弱发光
This research results has important significance for proving the biophoton coherence. 此结果对于证实生物光子场的相干特性具有一定意义。
The Ultraweak biophoton emission ( UBE) OF+ 1 leaf of different sugarcane varieties were detected at seedling stage, tillering stage and elongating stage. The correlation between UBE and content of chlorophyll, single-stem weight were also investigated at elongating stage. 本试验测定了不同甘蔗品种+1片叶在幼苗期、分蘖期、伸长期的超弱发光强度(UBE)情况,并且研究了伸长初期叶片的超弱发光与叶绿素含量、单茎重的相关性。
The ultraweak biophoton emission of different crop varieties 不同作物品种超弱生物光子发射的比较
Observation of ultra-weak biophoton emission from new, aged rice seeds and rice seeds with different gene during early imbibition period 新旧及不同抗性的水稻种子吸胀初期超微弱发光特性的观测
Photon count statistics and properties of biophoton emission 光子计数分布与生物光子辐射特性
Correlation between growth development and biophoton emission of Isatis indigotica cotyle-don exposed to microwave radiation 微波处理菘蓝种子的子叶发育与生物光子辐射的相关性
The Recent Advances in Biophoton Researches 生物光子研究的新进展
Biophoton and Its Possible Mechanism 生物光子特点及其可能的机制
After researching on the delayed bioluminescence of eggs, the results show that egg luminescence generally obeys hyperbolic decay law, which supports coherence theory of biophoton. 对鸡蛋延迟发光进行了研究,发现普遍服从双曲衰减规律,这一点与生物光子的相干理论相一致。
We have studied the identical particle model on biophoton emission by quantum chemistry and the time quantum theory on radiation-matter interaction. The theoretical results well explain a few experimental phenomena. 利用量子化学和辐射与物质相互作用的时间量子理论研究了生物光子的全同粒子模型,所得到的结果很好地解释了多个生物光子发射的实验现象。
Biophoton emission ( PE) method is a non-invasive way revealing biophysical interactions in living tissues. 生物光子发射(PE)方法是揭示生命活动的一种非损伤方法。
To confirm its functions and roles in the aspects of nervous system mentioned above, it is necessary to gain biophoton information of tissues or cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. 要证实生物光子在上述问题中的作用,就必须获得组织和细胞高时空分辨率的生物光子信息。