LPO and SPO of biotite, quartz and omphacite are responsible for the velocity anisotropy of deformed rocks. 变形岩石中的黑云母、石英、绿辉石的LPO和SPO是地震波各向异性的主要控制因素。
So the dark mica in this granite should be called biotite. 那么.在这块花岗岩中的黑色云母类矿物就应当叫做黑云母了。
Optics and micro-shape characters in the process of biotite transforming to chlorite 黑云母向绿泥石转化过程中微观形态及光性特征
Biotite is a subordinate constituent of the mafic and ultramafic rocks generally. 黑云母一般是镁铁质及超镁铁质岩石中的次要成分。
Rock-forming mineral, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, orthoclase, feldspar, plagioclase, mica, quartz, biotite, calcite and other common metal and nonmetal minerals. 造岩矿物的概念、橄榄石、长石、角闪石、辉石、云母、石英、方解石和常见金属和非金属矿物。
Biotite, titanite, cassiterite, rutile, wolframite, scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites. 黑云母、榍石、锆石、锡石、金红石、黑钨矿、白钨矿和钨铁铌矿等是讨论的重点矿物,它们可用于判别花岗岩的成矿能力。
According to the gray scale characteristics of the biotite in thin sections, their gray images can be obtained by using a direct micro photo-charting. 根据岩石薄片上黑云母的灰度特征,应用直接成象方法获得其灰度图象,用自动阈值方法可用来提取黑云母粒子从而构成二值图象。
The discovery of percussion figure of biotite from the Archaean rocks and its geological significance in Benxi area, liaoning province, china 本溪地区太古宙岩石中黑云母击象的发现及其地质意义
The clinical application of Lapis Chloriti medicine-botanical origins from the biotite and chlorite schist and mica schist carbonate. 临床应用的青礞石药材的基源应为黑云母片岩和绿泥石化云母碳酸盐片岩。
The banded gneisses underlying the mine field are, as a rule, micaceous, the amount of biotite determining mainly the shades of the bands. 本矿区的带状片麻岩照例富含云母,黑云母的多少决定片麻岩条带的色调。
Systematic measurements are made respectively on the quartz C-axis fabric, biotite ( 001) cleavage fabric and3-D strain analysis by quartz for gneissic granite in Shuanghe, Dabie. 对大别山双河片麻状花岗岩岩体中的石英C轴组构、黑云母(001)解理极点和石英颗粒三维应变分别进行系统测量。
The paper researches REE geochemistry characteristics of biotite granites, dikes and ore, considering granites, intermediate-basic dikes and mineralizing fluid have the consanguinity and inheritance; 本文对矿区的黑云母花岗岩、脉岩、矿石的稀土元素地球化学特征进行了系统研究,认为矿区的花岗岩、中基性脉岩、成矿流体具有同源性,继承性;
Relating to or involving biotite. 与黑云母有关或含有黑云母。
A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica. Early Yanshanian intrusions are mainly adamellite, biotite K-feldspar granite with small amount of granodiorite. 云英岩一种主要由石英和云母构成的花岗石燕山早期侵入岩以二长花岗岩、黑云钾长花岗岩为主,其次为花岗闪长岩。
A special ROCK-SCAPOLITE biotite rock in the Middle Devonian period Sea Basin in the East Qinling 东秦岭中泥盆世成矿海盆中一类特殊岩石&方柱黑云岩
The Xiaoheishan pluton is located in the southern Liaodong Peninsula of the eastern North China Craton, and consists of deformed diorite, granodiorite and biotite granite. 小黑山岩体位于辽东半岛南部,由变形的闪长岩、花岗闪长岩、花岗岩组成。
Zircon U-Pb Ages, Geochemistry of the Rushan Gabbro-diorites and Their Mafic Xenoliths from the Northern Sulu Orogen, Shandong Province, Eastern China; Both the core and the mantle have inclusions of biotite, hornblende, quartz and plagioclase. 北苏鲁乳山辉长&闪长岩及其基性岩石包体的锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究内核和外壳中均发育石英、斜长石、黑云母、角闪石等矿物的包裹体;
The main minerals in rock, such as feldspar and biotite et al., had decomposited or altered with different degree, that resulted in compositional variation during ductile deformation. 韧性变形过程中,岩石中的主要矿物长石、黑云母等发生了不同程度的分解或蚀变并导致组分迁移。
Pressure effect is opposite to that of temperature for Ar diffusion in biotite and amphibole. 压力对含水黑云母和角闪石的扩散和温度的作用相反。
Quartz and K-feldspar can be divided into two generations, but biotite crystallized later. 石英、钾长石都具两个或多个世代,黑云母多结晶较晚。
The results show significant differences in oxygen isotope composition between biotite gneiss and granitic gneiss. 结果表明,这两种片麻岩在氧同位素组成上存在显著差别:黑云母片麻岩与共生的榴辉岩δ18O值呈同步变化,全岩δ18O值从-4.7‰变化至+10.3‰;
Detailed petrologic, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb isotopic researches indicate that the Wuping granitic complex consist mainly of biotite granite and garnet-bearing granite with different formation age and petrogenesis. 岩石学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb同位素的综合研究显示,武平花岗质杂岩体是由形成时代和成因不同的黑云母花岗岩和含石榴子石花岗岩组成。
The rock shows finegrained granitic texture and consists of perthite, oligoclase, quartz and biotite. 岩石呈细粒花岗结构,矿物成分为条纹长石、更长石、石英和黑云母。
This paper discusses the enrichment and stability of Cu2+ in biotite on the basis of the crystal-field theory. 本文运用晶体场理论研究了Cu~(2+)在黑云母中的富集和稳定性。
I type biotite granites and related Mo W deposits of quartz vein type and altered granite type were formed during continental block collision orogenics. 在碰撞造山作用中形成了与后造山黑云母花岗岩和与之有关的蚀变花岗岩型、石英脉型钨钼矿床。
The most favorable locations for jade formation are contact zones between biotite monzonitic granite dykes and Mg-rich carbonate rocks. 辽河期黑云二长花岗岩及其脉岩与富镁质碳酸盐岩接触部位对成矿最有利。
Granites belong to S-type granite, but the biotite granite was affected by the mantle or mantle fluid. 黑云母花岗岩是壳源花岗岩但又受到幔源岩浆或幔源流体的影响。
On a relatively closed condition, granite often forms plaque biotite granite and fine-grained biotite granite. 在处于相对封闭条件下的花岗岩往往形成含斑黑云母花岗岩、细粒黑云母花岗岩等。
The tin polymetallic deposits related to the Xuefeng biotite granites are studied in this thesis according to the academic idea of metallogenic series. 本文从成矿系列角度研究了与雪峰期黑云母花岗岩有关的锡多金属矿床。