Also note that any new objects created based on the Person prototype would have the birthdate property, making the following code valid 还要注意基于Person原型创建的新对象都有birthdate属性,因此下面的代码是有效的
The testBadDate() method is used to enter bad values into the birthdate field on the form, and then submit it. testBadDate()方法的作用是在表单上的birthdate域中输入错误的值,然后提交该值。
From the JPA perspective, in the JPA Structure view ( usually on the top-right of the JPA perspective), select the birthdate attribute. 在JPA视角下,从JPAStructure视图中(通常在JPA视角的右上部),选择birthdate属性。
Mr. Wozniak was later given the kit as a gift, which comes in an elegant wooden box, with his birthdate engraved on it. 后来,小米公司还将一个刻有他生日的精美套件木箱作为礼物送给了沃兹尼亚克。
For those who have their hearts set on a specific birthdate, the odds aren't bad. 对于那些一心想要个特别生日的人来说,这个机会并不坏。
You have to register ( annoying) and make sure your birthdate is teenager status ( annoying). 你必须注册(恼人的),确保您的出生日期是青少年的状态(恼人的)。
They must give the government their name, address, phone number, birthdate and "biometric identifier," including fingerprint and iris scan. 他们必须给政府提供姓名,地址,电话号码,生日以及生物标识,包括指纹和虹膜扫描图。