The most common multiple births are twins, two babies born at the same time. 最常见的多胎是双胞胎,两个婴儿同时出生。
There were 160 more births than deaths in the town last year. 该镇去年出生的人数比死亡人数多160人。
In China, both late marriages and late childbirth are advocated, in addition to fewer and better births. 在中国,晚婚晚育和少生优生均受到提倡鼓励。
The number of births to unmarried moms also declined. 未婚妈妈的数量也减少了。
Lawyers and defendants marriages and births& but our spiritual outlook would be different. 律师和被告、婚姻和生育,但人们的精神面貌将是另一个样子。
Through a survey of recent births we counted all midwives practising in the two study districts. 通过调查最近的婴儿出生情况,计算了这两个研究地区从业助产士总数。
Registration of births and deaths became compulsory in1871. 出生登记和死亡登记于1871年成为一种义务。
Information on births and deaths by age, sex and cause is the cornerstone of public health planning. 按照年龄、性别和原因分类的出生和死亡信息,是制定公共卫生规划的基石。
Balance of births and deaths; 出生和死亡的差额;
A higher prevalence of premature births is found among African-Americans than among Caucasians in America or Europe. 在非洲裔美国人中,其早产的发生率比美国或欧洲的白人早产的发病率高。
Last week it launched a campaign to register all of the world's births and deaths. 上周,它开始了一项对全世界的出生和死亡进行统计的行动。
A large Bible with pages to record marriages and births. 记录婚姻和生子的大圣经。
As they note, the average age of first births has risen in most of Western Europe since 1970. 他们指出,自1970年以来,大多数西欧国家的妇女所生的第一胎平均年龄都增加了。
The risks of multiple births are much higher for both mother and babies. 多胞胎对母亲和婴儿来讲风险都很高。
The survey found that in2006 women with graduate or professional degrees recorded the most births of all educational levels. 调查结果显示在2006年中,研究生和专业学位毕业的妇女刷新了所有教育等级的出生比率。
Many barriers prevent people from registering births and deaths. 许多因素阻碍人们进行出生和死亡登记。
The rates of growth of births and deaths will depend a number of factors. 增长率、出生率和死亡率都决定于若干因素。
The parish register of births, marriages, and deaths. 教区记载出生、结婚及死亡的登记簿。
In Nicaragua, remittances significantly improved the likelihood of doctor-assisted births, a big factor in reducing maternal mortality. 在尼加拉瓜,汇款极大提高了医生助产的可能性,这是降低母亲死亡率的一个重要因素。
All families within the clan must submit all births, death and marriages. 宗族内所有的家庭,都必须呈报家中所有的生辰、忌日和婚事。
Births and deaths must be registered. 本港居民的出生和死亡,均须登记。
This initiative helped improve registration of births and deaths at the subdistrict level. 这一举措帮助改善了街道一级的出生和死亡登记。
This dramatic increase in single-parent families is largely accounted for by divorce and out-of-wedlock births. 单亲家庭的这种戏剧性的增加主要是由于离婚和未婚生育造成的。
After initial census, births and deaths were reported by village informants and updated monthly by project enumerators. 经过初步的普查,由各村庄报告人提供具体的出生和死亡人数并由该项目的人口普查员进行每月更新。
Risk factors for urinary incontinence include obesity and past pregnancies with vaginal births. 患上尿失禁的风险因素包括过度肥胖和过去怀孕的阴道分娩。
Closely-spaced and ill-timed pregnancies and births also place babies and children at greater risk of dying or poor development. 怀孕和分娩的间隔太近和不合时宜也会使婴幼儿面临更大的死亡和发育不良危险。
I am now11 weeks pregnant, and12 weeks is to go to hospital births seized it? 我现在怀孕11个周了,是到12个周就去医院做产检了吗?
Very young mothers are also at greater risk for pre-eclampsia and premature births. 非常年轻的母亲还有更大的危险患先兆子痫和早产。