Bizarrely, the color of the list box cannot be changed& unless one wants to edit the code of the underlying Perl module. 奇怪的是,列表框的颜色不能被改变&除非有人愿意去编辑底层Perl模块的代码。
Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film, which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John. 阿黛尔也未必只有悲情气质,她被曝出已签约出演一部新电影的反派间谍。这部电影匪夷所思地还有大腕大卫贝克汉姆和艾尔顿约翰的加盟。
Ms Renwick said she had not realised she was pregnant because she continued to have periods throughout her pregnancy and bizarrely had actually lost weight. 凯蕾说她根本没有意识到自己怀孕了,因为在孕期她的例假一直正常,体重不增反而降了不少。
Bizarrely teachers claim sitting exams outside also help prevent cheating. 令人比较诧异的是,老师们认为在户外考试还可以防止学生作弊。
Such prudence meant, rather bizarrely, that poor countries such as China were foregoing spending and investment in order to facilitate rich foreigner 'binge-buying. 这种审慎意味着,中国等穷国为推动富国民众的疯狂消费放弃了自己的支出和投资,这有点不可理喻。
Only North Korea, bizarrely, did nothing except watch its old system crumble. 只有朝鲜奇怪地什么都没做,只是眼睁睁地看着自己的旧体制走向崩溃。
The heart-throb singer bizarrely chose to wear a rubber face mask of himself when he jetted home from New York yesterday to find photographers waiting to snap the real Robbie. 昨天,当罗比·威廉姆斯从纽约乘飞机回国时,为了躲避摄影者的拍摄,居然戴着一个他自己模样的橡胶面具出现在抵达机场。
A space animator even took the time to use a3-D modeling program to show how the rocket motor could have made what seems a bizarrely regular shape. 一个空间动画师甚至花时间使用三维建模程序来显示火箭发动机本来就可以造出怪诞的规则形状。
Bizarrely, many people who have one report it as a pleasant experience. 奇怪的是,许多体验者说他们感到很愉快。
Spatial solitons modulated in one-dimensional infinite well potential You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people. How bizarrely cool is that? 一维无限深势阱调制下的空间光孤子你敲打鼓点控制屏幕上的角色.多么孤零精怪啊?
Bizarrely, they cited the importance of relations with China, as if the foreign ministry had subcontracted its diplomatic responsibilities to a low level of the judiciary. 奇怪的是,他们提及与中国关系的重要性,犹如外交部已将其外交责任转嫁给较低等级的司法体系。
More bizarrely, he is confronted by his son Ako and his grandchildren. 更奇怪的是,他遇见了他的儿子亚高及他的儿孙。
You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people. How bizarrely cool is that? There shall be no such details as discoloration or electrolyte leakage or 0 voltage. 你敲打鼓点控制屏幕上的角色.多么孤零精怪啊?没有类似变色、污点、电解液泄漏和零伏现象。
So the fact that Paul Ryan, the Republicans 'vice-presidential candidate, has lied about having run a marathon in under three hours, could be bizarrely important. 因此美国共和党副总统候选人保罗瑞安(PaulRyan)谎称自己在三小时内跑完马拉松的事实,可能奇怪地变得重要。