As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot. 当它踩在一堆刨花里时,一块长长的黑檀木的木片扎到了它的脚里。
They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot. 木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了的脚上穿透出来的长长的黑檀木片。
Four different materials feature different qualities, styles include African Blackwood, Cocobolo, Camatillo and Ebony. 四种不同的材料具有不同的品质,款式包括非洲黑木、非洲黄檀、红木和黑檀木。
Holmes, Watson, and police Inspector Lestrade find Blackwood's coffin contains the body of the red-haired midget. 福尔摩斯、华生和雷斯崔德警长发现布莱克伍德的棺材内躺着的正是红头发侏儒Reordan。
Master blackwood, we would have no problem this time. 黑木爷,这次一定没问题。
House Blackwood kept the old gods, and worshiped as the First Men had in the days before the Andals came to Westeros. 布莱克伍德家族守护着旧神,像安达尔人来到维斯特洛大陆之前的先民一样敬仰旧神。
The establishment of blackwood calli system. 黑木相思愈伤组织体系的建立。
Lord Blackwood shall be required to confess his treason and abjure his allegiance to the Starks and Tullys. 布莱克伍德伯爵必须承认他的叛国,放弃对史塔克家族和徒利家族的效忠。
Three days after Blackwood's execution, his tomb is found shattered from the inside out, and an eyewitness reports seeing Blackwood walking away. 布莱克伍德勋爵被执行死刑三天后,他的坟墓被人发现从里向外碎裂开了,一位目击者向警方报告说看到布莱克伍德从坟墓中走出。
"We agree on that much." Blackwood's voice gave nothing away. "What have you done with Ser Brynden, if I may ask?" “非常同意。”布莱克伍德的声音听不出任何情绪。“我能问问您是怎么对待布林登爵士的吗?”
With mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, melons and fruits, insects and fishes as subjects, the artisans can carve vases, fruit baskets, smoking sets and furniture out of the blackwood. 以山河、花鸟、瓜果、虫鱼作为题材,工匠们能用黑檀木刻花瓶、果篮、烟具和家具。
The kinds of wood carving are mainly whitewood, blackwood and boxwood carvings. 木雕种类主要是其木、黑檀木和黄杨木材雕刻。
The castle dominated the broad fertile valley that maps and men alike called Blackwood Vale. 城堡高耸于宽广肥沃的谷地间,地图和当地居民都把它叫做黑林谷。
The Blackwood boy would tell him if he asked, but that would spoil the mystery. 如果他开口问,布莱克伍德男孩会告诉他答案,但是这会破坏了原本的神秘感。
Blackwood settled in a high-backed chair. "For honor's sake I must ask about my liege lord." 布莱克伍德坐在一张高背椅上,“为着荣誉的缘故,我必须问问,我的主君怎样了?”
Though some might say that Lord Blackwood has been more honorable. 即使有些人可能会说布莱克伍德伯爵比他更有荣誉感。
Very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees. 各种黑檀树木的深色木料。
Only later he put the Bracken girl aside and took up with a Blackwood, was that the way of it? 直到后来他抛弃了布雷肯家的女孩,娶了一个布莱克伍德,是不是这样?
Walder Frey's fourth wife was a Blackwood, but kinship counts for no more than guest right at the Twins. 瓦德•佛雷的第四任妻子是一个布莱克伍德,但是在孪河城,亲属关系就和宾客权利一样一文不值。
Rooting and transplantation of blackwood. 黑木相思试管苗生根和移栽。