Abraham and'Liza-Lu sobbed, Hope and Modesty discharged their griefs in loud blares which echoed from the walls; and when Prince was tumbled in they gathered round the grave. 亚伯拉罕和丽莎·露低声哭着,盼盼和素素为了发泄他们的悲痛,就号啕大哭,声震四壁;王子被放进坟坑的时候,他们都站在坟坑的四周。
You play her dad, who walks in just as the alarm blares. 你扮演她的爸爸,警报响的时候刚好进来。
Though it may be a struggle when the alarm clock first blares, attending the meetings is always worth the effort. 虽然,当闹钟首次作响时实在挣扎,但参加聚会的收获,总能证实这些付出是值得的。