He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel. 傍晚,他更觉冷清,一个人在摄政旅馆吃了饭。
In1994, a WHO review of world changes in health development since Alma-Ata bleakly concluded that the goal of health for all by2000 would not be met. 1994年,在世卫组织关于《阿拉木图宣言》发表以来世界卫生发展变化的一份审查报告中,得出了消极的结论:到2000年之前人人享有卫生保健的目标将无法实现。
"I tell you, my friend, you must take a wife before there's no one left to remember us," shemsen joked bleakly. “我跟你说,我的朋友,你得去找个老婆,不然以后都没有人会记得咱们了。”舍姆森凄惨地开玩笑道。
Shirley Franklin, the mayor of Atlanta, bleakly predicts that litigation will divert resources from fighting crime. 亚特兰大市长ShirleyFranklin冷冷地说,预计立法将分化转移暴力犯罪的资源。