The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders. 这座城市毫不妥协的荒凉面貌是对其神秘莫测的创建者的永久纪念。
But even in the bitter, windswept bleakness of a Scottish beach, a helping hand is never far away. Sealed with a kiss, a young grey seal is seen nurturing her newborn baby through the first few days of its life. 然而尽管身陷艰苦,在苏格兰海滩上帮助之手也从未远离。一只年轻的海豹正宠爱地呵护着它刚出生不久的幼崽。
Bruce can be forgiven the bleakness of his initial mood. 布鲁斯起初的阴郁情绪是可以理解的。
Ye Shuai writes in his article about you that you like the dusk because it has a bleakness to it. 叶帅写你文章提到你很喜欢黄昏的时候,有一种苍凉感。
Eileen Changs prose thus often describes the inner bleakness of its characters. 张爱玲的散文多处依靠听觉实现对内心苍凉感的描绘。
By analyzing the specific application of comedy in Waiting, this paper tries to interpret the unique artistic world where bleakness is revealed in humor of Eileen Changs creation further. 分析《等》中喜剧因素的具体运用,可以进一步阐释张爱玲创作喜中见悲的独特艺术世界。
Coexistence of Warmth and Bleakness& The Self-splitting Narrator in A Tale of Hulan River 温情与荒凉共存&《呼兰河传》中叙事者的自我分裂
Human curiosity produces the impulse to discover the beauty of bleakness, while it demands the willpower and endurance to record such beauty. 发现荒凉之美,是人类好奇心促就的激情再现;
The "legendary" style of Zhang Ailings novels is that she mainly expressed a sense of unusual and bleakness from the point of view of the aesthetic psychology. 张爱玲小说的“传奇”之处,主要表现在它传达出普通人在平俗的日常生活中心理上的一种怪异、苍凉的感觉。
There comes a time my friends when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, when they experience the bleakness of nagging despair. 朋友们,终有一天,人们再也不能忍受被抛进屈辱的深渊,经受冷酷的、无了期的绝望。
But the hotel also provides a vantage-point: photos from the top-floor revolving restaurant give a good picture of the bleakness of Pyongyang. 不过,宾馆的位置还比较有利&站在顶楼旋转餐厅拍照,平壤的苍凉景象尽收眼底。
Without this song, there must be a bleakness about the feeling of longing for spring. 没有这首歌的话,等待春天的季节里,嘴巴一定很寂寞。
The artistic mood of bleakness has been beloved by men of letters through the ages due to its special quality and their full experience. 荒寒意境是历代文人所钟爱的意境之一,这是由荒寒意境的特质和文人们对人生的深刻体验所决定的。
Posterity will remember him for the books in which neither farce nor bleakness has the upper hand. 后代不会忘记他,因为他写过几部既不胡闹也不阴冷的书。
With these few concessions to the tax-payer the government hopes to temper the bleakness of its new measures. 政府希望对纳税人作出这几方面的让步来扭转其新举措的惨淡局面。
Austen balances out that bleakness with wisdom, with humor, with romance, and above all with a deeply satisfying sense of form, analyzed by scholars and sensed by general readers. 奥斯汀用智慧、幽默、浪漫以及最突出的一点&非常令人赏心悦目的形式感,冲淡了她作品中的这种凄凉色彩。
This highly-industrialized area is notorious for pollution and general atmospheric bleakness. 这个高度工业化的地区因为污染和灰暗的大气层而臭名昭著。
Above towered the white dagoba, its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes, despite their man-made adornments, revealed their full northern bleakness. 白塔却高耸到云间,傻白傻白的把一切都带得冷寂萧索,整个的三海在人工的雕琢中显出北地的荒寒。
Bertha was looking out of the window at the bleakness of the day. 伯莎望着窗外晦暗的天色。
Poems on ode to Jiazhou composed by Cen Shen account for a small proportion in his poetic creation, but it clearly reflects bleakness and lowness. 岑参咏嘉州诗,虽然在其创作的诗歌中比例不大,却鲜明地反映出其诗歌创作黯淡低沉、廖落失意的一面。
March in a Small City& a Symbol of Beauty and Bleakness 《小城三月》:美丽而苍凉的象征
On the Pessimism and the Bleakness in Zhang Ai Ling's Stories 论张爱玲小说的悲观苍凉
The urban novels raised by the modern urbanization process have shown flourishing and bleakness of the urban sight, happiness and unhappiness of the urban living, as well the brightness and hardness of the urban life. 作为现代都市化进程所催生、滋养起来的都市小说,集中地呈现着都市景观的繁华与苍凉、都市生活的快乐与忧愁、都市人生的光鲜与艰辛。