Then, you have to chase it round the room and catch it before it stops bleeping. 然后,你就得满屋地追它,追到它后它才能停止发出哔哔的声音。
Are you bleeping this out? 你把这段话遮盖掉了吗?
Bleeping Computer is a community devoted to providing free original content, consisting of computer help and tutorials, in such a way that the beginning computer user can understand it. 电脑响声是专门提供免费社区原文内容由计算机帮助和辅导,这样,电脑用户可以了解它的开始。
They're bleeping you, doctor. 他们按铃叫你去,医生。
I heard his alarm clock bleeping this morning. 今早我听到他的闹钟嘟嘟响。
They are bleeping you, doctor. 医生,他们正在打哔哔叩给你呢!
Wait in line Like the rest of us, you bleeping Moron! 像我们大家一样排队去,你这个该死的白痴!