This technique bloats the repository unnecessarily, making it difficult to manage version differences. 这种技术不必要地增加了存储库的大小,使得管理版本差异极为困难。
Like a child that bloats watching. 像一个看着他长大的孩子。
As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core, the star bloats into a so-called red giant. 当核燃烧向外进行到核心周边壳层的新物质时,恒星会膨胀成所谓的红巨星。
But it's a major step toward reducing the useless spending the proliferation of procedures with no medical benefits that bloats American health care costs. 医疗程序的扩散并无实际的医疗效果,只是增大了美国人的医疗成本。
Reduce edible salt bloats, smoke, barbecue food. 减少食用盐腌,烟熏,烧烤的食物。
Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragment the whole registry for maximum performance. 安全清除注册表垃圾,契约登记大幅膨胀和整理整个注册表的最高性能。