Bloch's solution to the equals() problem uses composition rather than coupling. Bloch对于equals()问题所采取的解决方案是组合而非耦合。
In his example, Bloch creates two classes a Point and a ColorPoint and tries to create an equals() method that works correctly for both. 在此示例中,Bloch创建了两个类:Point和ColorPoint,并试图创建一个equals()方法来适用于这两个类。
Bloch was Sun's Java platform libraries architect, so he knows the language from the inside out. Bloch是Sun公司Java平台库的架构师,所以他透彻地了解这门语言。
For example, Bloch's chapter on overriding equals() is one of the best I've ever read. 例如,Bloch书中关于覆盖equals()这一章是我读过的最好的参考资料之一。
The Revolutionary Practice of Messianism: Bloch and Benjamin 弥赛亚主义的革命实践:布洛赫和本雅明
The Present State and Perspective for the Phys of Magnetic Domain Walls and the Bloch Line Memory 磁畴壁物理和布洛赫线存贮器研究现状和前景
Energy band characteristic of two-dimensional photonic crystal is analyzed through finite difference time domain and Bloch boundary method. 利用频域有限差分方法分析了两种二维磁性光子晶体结构(方形和圆形空气孔结构)的模场分布和有效折射率。
Concrete utopia of Bloch represents the ontological concrete of Western Marxism. 布洛赫的具体的乌托邦则代表着当代西方马克思主义对具体性进行的本体论探索。
Bloch's utopian philosophy has a strong charactor of religion. 布洛赫的乌托邦哲学具有很强的宗教色彩。
Between Bloch and the Expressionists there are not only similarities in artistic styles but also shared motives in intellectual work. 布洛赫与表现主义作家之间不仅有艺术风格上的类似之处,而且有思想动机上的相通之处。
Bloch's proposal differs from Imam's in that it only produces immutable collections, is somewhat more concise, and should make the compiler's job of optimisation for small collections easier. Bloch的这个提案与Imam的还是有区别的,因为这只会生成不变的集合,使用起来更加简洁,同时编译器也可以轻松实现对小型集合的优化。
A Call for a New Man and a New World: Ernst Bloch and the German Expressionism 对新人、新世界的呼唤&恩斯特·布洛赫与德国表现主义
A Proof of the Bloch Theorem for One-dimensional Photonic Crystals 一维光子晶体中布洛赫定理的一个证明
Our results also indicate that the imaginary component of Bloch wave number can serve as a measure of the localization degree of the surface electron states. 此外,研究表明布洛赫波数的虚部可以作为一个衡量表面电子态局域程度的物理量。
Weighted Composition Operators Between μ-Bloch Spaces on the Unit Ball of C~ n C~n中单位球上μ-Bloch空间之间的加权复合算子
The energy spectrum and the wave function of Bloch electron in a uniform magnetic field 洛伦兹-洛伦茨方程布洛赫电子在均匀磁场中的能谱和波函数
Generation and annihilation of vertical Bloch lines in strip domain walls 垂直布洛赫线在畴段畴壁中的形成和消失
Composition Operators from Hyperbolic α-Bloch Spaces into Hyperbolic Q_K Type Spaces 从双曲α-Bloch空间到双曲QK型空间上的复合算子
Distance from Bloch Functions to Q_k-type Spaces Bloch函数到Qk型函数空间的距离
On the Univalent Radius and Covering Radius for a Class of Bloch-function 一族Bloch函数的单叶半径与覆盖半径
A Critical Review of the Influence of Durkheim's Theory and Methods in Sociology on Marc Bloch 评涂尔干的社会学理论和方法对马克·布洛赫的影响
A discussion on compactness conditions of composition operator between Bloch-type spaces in the polydisc 多圆柱上Bloch型空间之间复合算子紧性条件的有关讨论
Influence of Temperature on the Equilibrium Separation Between Vertical Bloch Lines in the Walls of Hard Domains 温度对硬磁畴畴壁中垂直布洛赫线间平衡间距的影响
Architectural Utopia in the Eye of Ernst Bloch 恩斯特·布洛赫视野中的建筑乌托邦
Multipliers and Cyclic Vectors in the Logarithmic α-Bloch Spaces 对数α-Bloch空间的乘子和循环元
The second part of an account Moltmann hope theological origins, Ernst Bloch hopes that philosophy. 第二部分交代莫尔特曼希望神学的重要起源,即布洛赫的希望哲学。
Weighted Composition Operators of Weighted Bergman Spaces into β-Bloch Spaces on the Unit Ball 单位球上加权Bergman空间到β-Bloch空间的加权复合算子
Introduction to Studies of Bloch Line Physics and Nanocomposite Materials 布洛赫线物理和纳米复合材料研究简述
Two thirds of the uses of the close method in the JDK itself are implemented incorrectly according to Bloch. 据Bloch所说,连JDK自己的close方法都有三分之二实现的不正确。
Disscussed the dipolymonomer sequence structure of molecular chain of Russia heterocylic copolyaramid which is random and random bloch. 分析和讨论俄杂环芳纶大分子中二聚单体的序列结构,主要属于无规缩聚,其次是无规嵌段结构。