A few blogged about her "slash and burn" move; others called her arrogant and selfish. 而有些人认为她自大而又自私。
"Because of the sweet voice, I couldn` t help searching for this person online," one of Xiao` s fans blogged. 肖遥的一位粉丝在博客中这样写道:这个声音实在太好听了,我忍不住对他‘人肉搜索’了一下。
Kai-Fu Lee, a former Apple employee and previously the president of Google in China, recently blogged that the tablet would come with 3D graphics and a price tag below US$ 1,000. 曾在苹果工作过的前谷歌总裁李开复最近写博说这款平板电脑会附带3D制图,售价在1000美元以下。
Bramley, a 44-year-old dad of one, blogged about how hard it is to simply get around with his new belly. I wonder why pregnant women dont use wheelchairs, he wrote. 44岁的Bramley也是爸爸了,他也参加了怀孕体验。在博客中他提到带着这个孕妇肚真的很不舒服,我真不明白孕妇为什么不使用轮椅呢?
If something that you blogged about is mentioned in a meeting, you can drop in that you wrote about that topic, which would highlight mastery of the strategic elements of a job that you want. 如果你在博客中写过的某件事在会议上被提及,你可以顺便说说你写过这个问题,这会凸显出你对于自己想做的那项工作中的战略元素是有把握的。
And he blogged about his efforts with the goal of helping others. 他还通过博客记录他所做的努力,以期帮助别人。
For example, in the last few years you might have learned how to play music for one or two hours a day. Or you might have blogged about a certain topic. Or you might have spent a lot of time on gardening. 比如说,在过去的几年里,你每天都会花一两个小时来演奏音乐,或者在某个问题上持续地发表文章,又或者在园艺上花费了大量的时间。
What a romantic weekend! One I'll never forget, Kim blogged yesterday. 金在23日发表博客说:好浪漫的周末!我永远不会忘记的。
Participants blogged some of their findings-the following is a roundup of interesting observations from bloggers and newsgroup writers among the participants. 参与者们会在博客上记录他们的发现,下面的摘要就来自人们在博客与新闻讨论组中的有趣观察。
Others have blogged about how they sought him out and tried to help him find work or to go back to his family, but that he appeared frightened and cried out without speaking. 其它人在博客上说他们怎样找到他并且尝试去协助他找任务,或许去让他回到本人的家,但是他似乎很惧怕,同时没有说只是大声的呼喊。
In December, Mark blogged on "Large-Scale Distributed Transactions". 在十二月,Mark发表了博文“大规模分布式事务”。
I have blogged over time about various guidance material that we have released out of our Patterns and Practices team for customers. 在过去的一段时间里,我在博客上发表了我们“模式和实践”团队向客户们发布的各种向导材料。这正是我们的客户向我们询问的东西。
JFA: Two years ago I've blogged about the Grizzly Comet Framework, and since that time I was able to build a community around it. 两年前我曾发表了一篇关于GrizzlyComet框架的博文,从那时起我就打造了一个关于它的社区。
They have all been blogged and e-mailed to death. 他们都已经受够了博客和电子邮件。
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's wife Sarah provided a behind-the-scenes look at the G8 on Wednesday as she blogged about the "good food and good company" at the so-called spouses'summit. 英国首相戈登•布朗的夫人莎拉本周三披露了八国峰会的幕后花絮,她在博客中爆料称,被称为“八国首脑夫人峰会”上,“不仅美食可口,而且大家相处融洽”。
One of the biggest advantages of a robot manager is that it can be a hard-ass jerk as often as that is called for, he blogged recently. 最近他在博客中撰文称:机器人管理者的最大优势之一是,它能够根据需要,随时扮演顽固的混蛋角色。
Asking questions is a great way to get people to open up, and I blogged about how to do that here. 而问问题是很好的展开话题的方式,我也在这篇博文里有详细的说明。
An awards insider from the Los Angeles Times blogged that the stunt was boring. 《洛杉矶时报》的一位权威评奖人士发博文称这种噱头令人生厌。
About a year ago I blogged about Software Factories and the great response from people who were using them. 大约一年前,我在博客上写了一篇文章介绍了软件工厂以及来自其用户的热烈反响。
CSRF ( Cross Site Request Fogery) allows attackers to bypass cookie based authentication. I blogged about it a while ago. 一个是CSRF(CrossSiteRequestForgery,跨站点伪造请求攻击),它允许攻击者绕过基于cookie的身份认证,前些天我曾在Blog上介绍过这种攻击。
In May you blogged about your decision to step down from the gwt-ext project due to the controversial licensing changes with ExtJS. 五月份,你在博客上发表了一篇博文,谈到由于ExtJS有争议的许可变更,你退出了gwt-ext项目。
Just about everything else has been blogged and white-papered before. 其它的所有内容早就有人在博客上撰文详述或者写过相应白皮书了。
I've blogged on this a couple of times recently. 我最近已经就这个问题写了两篇博客。
We're going to be putting together some documentation and howtos for all this, but I already blogged a bit about sha1 and handles used to precompile Ruby applications for Android. 我们正打算整理一些文档和howto,我已经在博客中写了一点用sha1和handles预编译针对Android的Ruby应用程序的文章了。