Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。
Earlier this year, the mere photograph on the web of a young woman identified as a manager of the Red Cross in China sent the blogosphere into a frenzy. 今年早些时候,微博认证身份为“中国红十字会(theRedCrossinChina)商业总经理”的一位年轻女子发布的照片在网上炸开了锅。
With so much unique information contained in the blogosphere, one is tempted to ask: Where is this information is cataloged, tracked, tagged, and available for search? 由于博客圈包含了大量各不相同的信息,有人不禁会问:这些信息在什么地方进行分类、跟踪和标记以供搜索呢?
This enables you, as a developer, to accept input within a Web application and dynamically query the blogosphere based on that input using a simple URL that encodes the input into a format the API understands. 这允许您能够在Web应用程序中接受输入,然后使用一个简单的URL将输入编码成API可理解的格式,并根据输入动态地查询博客圈。
Developers can implement it so that their Web application users can search the blogosphere for articles that match their own specific interests. 开发人员可以在Web应用程序上实现自动化博客搜索,让用户能够在博客圈中搜索符合自己的兴趣的文章。
However, as a Web application developer, you might want to automate that search or enable your Web page visitors to view information retrieved from the blogosphere based on their own search criteria. 不过,作为Web应用程序开发人员,您可能希望自动化这个搜索过程,或者让Web页面的访问者根据自己的搜索条件查看从博客圈找到的信息。
As of this writing, the blogosphere is the primary source of information about news and events that occur in many countries. 在撰写本文时,博客圈是了解发生在许多国家的新闻的主要信息来源。
To search the blogosphere for articles about fishing, you use the following URL: http:// api. technorati. com/ tag? key= xxxx& tag= fishing. 要在博客圈中查找关于钓鱼的文章,您可以使用这个URL:。
Technorati is a Web site that maintains information about articles published in the blogosphere. Technorati是一个Web站点,它维护关于在博客圈中发布的文章的信息。
A fine example of this shift is the increasing popularity of the blogosphere. 这种转移的一个很好例子就是博客的盛行。
However, the mood among the Chinese blogosphere seems to be largely one of disappointment, with some arguing that the move has resulted in the shows losing their allure. 尽管如此,中国博客圈中的网友似乎大都对此次改版表示失望,一些人认为此举将会导致该节目失去魅力。
She also signs up to receive discount offers via email and trolls the blogosphere for other discounts. 她还通过电子邮件注册接受折扣信息,在博客圈里搜索以期获得其它折扣。
The tuhao have become a punching bag on Chinas blogosphere for being the symbol of wasteful wealth and unrefined taste, or as a report by Foreign Policy, they are Chinas version of the Beverly Hillbillies. 在中国的社交网络上,土豪已经成为挥霍无度和品位低下的象征而受人鄙视。或者用《外交政策》杂志的报道,土豪是中国版的贝弗利山人。
A slang term that originated from Chinas blogosphere, it has now taken on the meaning of self-aware, self-deprecating loser. 这个从中国博客圈诞生的俚语,如今已经成为有自知之明的,并自我嘲讽的失败者。
It was promptly leaked to All Things D, a technology-industry blog, and unleashed a fevered debate in the blogosphere and on Twitter. 消息很快就泄漏给了科技博客AllThingsD,并在博客圈和推特上引发热议。
As someone who subscribes to and reads a dozen personal finance blogs, I have noticed something that many of those in the blogosphere would probably see as a wonderful problem to have. 当某些人在预定以及阅读许多个人理财博客的时候,我发现许多博客里都能看到有一个麻烦大家都很乐意去惹。
The blogosphere and the cable news networks seized on both sets of comments: a few beleaguered CEOs have blamed the grim economy on glass-half-empty scribblers but the truth is most of the American media is as keen as the rest of the US for some good news. 博客圈和有线新闻网紧抓住这二人的言论不放:有些身陷困境的首席执行官把严峻的经济形势归咎于杞人忧天的三流文人,但事实是,美国媒体和其他美国人一样渴望好消息。
The switch became a hot topic among Chinese and raced across the country's blogosphere. 这次的“假唱事件”成了中国民众热议的话题,尤其实在博客里。
When the media and the blogosphere started going crazy writing about China's plans to ban the eating of dog meat, I made very clear to myself that I was going to stay out of it. 当媒体和博客圈对于中国计划禁吃狗肉的消息开始沸腾的时候,我曾经对自己说,我将对此置身事外。
People laughed when I published that report and I was ridiculed in the blogosphere. 当我发布这一报告时,人们狂笑不止,我自己也在博客圈里受到奚落。
Magazines once the size of phone books are now pamphlet-thin as advertising recedes and consumers decamp to the blogosphere. 随着广告撤退,消费者转投博客世界,昔日电话簿那么厚的时尚杂志,如今缩简成了薄薄的一本。
The blogosphere has been inundated with people mocking the new salutation and proposing alternative greetings. 博客世界里充满了人们对这种新问候语的嘲弄和其他供选择的问候语的建议。
The Chinese blogosphere is even more confusing. 中国的博客圈就更混乱了。
In this economy, it's more critical than ever to reach moms where they live, which – no doubt about it – is in the blogosphere. 在这个经济,这是比以往任何时候都更加重要达到妈妈那里居住,这-这一点毫无疑问-是在Blog。
Should investors beyond the inane chatter of the day-trading blogosphere care? 日间交易闲聊圈外的投资者在意吗?
Professionalism will become the hallmark of a successful blogging model, leading to a healthy, transparent business environment, which in the long term can only benefit the blogosphere. 专业性将成为成功博客模式的标志,这将带来一种健康、透明的商业环境,长期来看一定会让博客圈受益。
Yet there is a palpable sense of dissatisfaction among ordinary Singaporeans, manifested both at the polls and in a lively blogosphere that is escaping the strictures of a strictly controlled traditional media. 然而新加坡的普通民众间明显存在着一股不满情绪,这在民意测验和热闹的博客世界都有所体现。新加坡的传统媒体受到严格控制,博客则可以摆脱这些束缚。
Guillaume explains that performance related complaints are typically being found in the blogosphere amongst developers performing their own benchmarks as opposed to coming directly from customers. Guillaume解释到对性能的抱怨并不是直接来自于客户,而是来自于那些执行自己基准的开发者的博客世界。
That amount has drawn flack in the blogosphere as being a tad low. 这种低价的报酬在博客上引起了大家的抗议。
When Ron Paul, a US libertarian politician and veteran critic of the Federal Reserve, disclosed recently that his top 10 equity holdings were all gold and silver mining stocks, the news reverberated around the blogosphere. 当美国自由主义政客、长期批评美联储(Fed)的罗恩保罗(RonPaul)最近透露,他的前十支持股都是黄金和白银矿业股票。这一消息在博客界引起了普遍反响。