Owner of mens grooming range+ Rehab London, Lisa Hilton said: British blokes would love to see the Royal Family shaken up by a rebel at Buckingham Palace, and Prince Harry is the one whos most likely to date a wild-child. 男士美容行业店主LisaHilton在该网站留言说道:英国人肯定很乐意看见白金汉宫出现一个叛逆者将皇室搅得鸡犬不宁,而哈里王子是最有可能跟一个充满野性的女孩子交往的人。
So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well. 所以如果厨房橱柜里的零食和食物突然多了,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑吃上一口。
A UK poll of 2000 females has come up with the answer to the question that has plagued blokes for centuries: What do women look for in a man? 一项针对2000名女性的英国调查回答了一个困扰了小伙子们好几个世纪的问题:女人最看重男人的什么?
Well, I have these blokes telling me I can't run my bike. 这些家伙跟我说,我不能参赛。
You see them blokes in the knickers? 你看见了那个穿灯笼裤的队伍了吗?
The blokes in the factory are having a meeting tonight, and I'm going along with chin ho-shang from next door. 我们厂里的人今夜要开会;我同隔壁的金和尚一块儿去!
Naive blokes like me continued to think men were supposed to be handsome. 只有像我这样天真的人还认为男士应该英俊潇洒。
What about the blokes in red? 那个穿红衣服的哪?
Carlo Ancelotti is confident of landing Rooney-as long as no-one explains to him that the Chelsea Pensioners are all blokes. 安切诺迪愿意签下路尼&但是不知道有没有人提醒过路尼,切尔西退休的都是小伙子。(现役的都是老头子)
For bog blokes resembled nothing more than a small and skeletal dead tree, with twisted arms appearing as stubby limbs. 因为这种泥潭怪看起来更像一小颗死去的树木,仅仅是在短粗的躯体上多长了两条奇形怪状的胳膊。
These two blokes sent me over here, Mike and someone else. 迈克还有那谁,叫我上这来。
Looks like you blokes got in over your heads. 看起来你们这些笨蛋闯进来是昏了头了。
You know what I mean, for blokes since it's what it all about. 你知道我的意思,它就是给男人们准备的。