While credit derivatives were created to allow lenders to offset the threat of a default by a borrower, the product has been associated with a number of blow-ups in recent years. 尽管创造信用衍生品的目的是为了让贷款机构得以对冲借款人违约的风险,但近年来,围绕这一产品却多次出纰漏。
But the recent succession of financial blow-ups in the rich world makes it seem more crisis-prone. 但是最近发达国家爆出的一系列金融问题更加引发了人们对出现危机的猜测。
There are some minute differences if you look really hard at these extreme blow-ups. 如果你非常仔细看这些极端放大的图片你会看见一些细小的差别。
In retrospect, the solutions to this problem are obvious: stricter supervision to reduce the probability of blow-ups and institution-specific pollution taxes to cover their cost. 回首往事,解决这一问题的办法是显而易见的:加强监管以减少崩盘可能性,针对金融机构征收污染税以弥补崩盘带来的损失。
Failure to adhere to this principle will result in regulatory arbitrage and more blow-ups. 如果不能遵守这一原则,就将导致监管套利和更多的崩盘。
If capitalism is about incentives, it should be about true incentives, those resistant to blow-ups. 如果资本主义与激励有关,那么应该是与真正的激励那些能够防止崩盘的激励有关。
Such blow-ups online and off are typical of the heated debate surrounding the relationship between Android and Linux. 诸如之类的线上与线下的激辩场面是围绕着Android与Linux之间关系的激烈争辩的典型场面。