It's a cold night here, with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind. 呆在这儿的那天晚上很冷,阵雨不断,还刮着大风。
The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze. 呼啸的春风已经减弱,成了习习的微风。
Mom called me at school on a blustery October day to tell me Grandpa had died. 十月的一个刮大风的日子,妈妈打电话到学校里告诉我外公死了。
Blustery spring winds delivered fresh air to 20m pairs of blackened lungs. 春天的大风,为北京2000万居民饱受污染的肺带来了新鲜的空气。
He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company, speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world. 鲍尔默有着风风火火的个人风格。他不知疲倦地为他的公司做宣传,每年转着圈地在全世界参加各种会议和活动,进行几十场演讲。
Try some of the suggestions above to get a little happier during these blustery days. 试试以上的建议,试着在寒冷的天气开心一点。
The menu evolves with the seasons and might feature seared scallops or slow-roasted salt-grass lamb from Flinders Island, off Tasmania's northern coast, where blustery weather deposits salt on pastures. 餐厅菜单会根据季节进行调整,客人们有机会品尝到烤扇贝、来自北岸边上弗林德斯岛(FlindersIsland)的烤盐草羔羊肉,那里的大风天气使盐沉积到了草地上。
Blustering ( or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; a cold blustery day; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind. 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;突然狂风大作的暴风雨。
In blustery weather with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Jon Huntsman entered the presidential fray with a bleak warning about the country's direction. 伴随着狂风大作,洪博培在自由女神像前宣布加入竞选总统的行列,并警告了美国暗淡的前进方向。
Blustery conditions did little to aid either defences, and Wolves'set-pieces caused United untold troubles. 狂风没有影响到双方的防守,但狼队的定位球给曼联制造了很多麻烦。
The day was cold and blustery. 日间天气寒冷,狂风呼啸。
In some areas, snow, freezing rain and blustery conditions are making it difficult to drive. 在一些地区,大雪,冻结了的雨水和狂风大作的情况令人们难以驾车出行。
On a blustery November morning at an airfield outside London, an enormous second-hand car auction is buzzing; demand is so great that average prices have risen 27 per cent over the past year. 11月一个狂风大作的早晨,一场宏大的二手车拍卖会正在伦敦郊外一个机场热火朝天的展开。二手车的销路非常之好,其平均售价在过去一年里已上涨27%。
On a rainy and blustery day it is not unusual to get soaking wet when wrestling with a troublesome brolly. 在一个下雨刮风的日子里即使打着一把伞却被淋湿也是很正常的。
One cold and blustery night when the wind was howling, a swallow flew over the city. 某个狂风怒吼的寒夜,有一只燕子飞越本市的上空。
They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching, the woman said, but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent. 他们是上海制造的名为MaryChing的鞋子的高档新款系列,这个女人说道,但这双鞋子让我想到了邦德女郎,在寒冷的西班牙图书馆或者狂风大作的意大利女修道院从事间谍活动。
On a bitter, blustery Wednesday morning, the mall still manages to draw big crowds but the brands are not familiar foreign names. 在一个寒风凛冽的周三上午,摩尔城仍然吸引了众多消费者前来购物,但这里的品牌并不是我们熟知的外国名牌。
Presently, no matter is domestic or overseas, no matter is the traditional media or the emerging media, the entertainment tide is blustery. 摘要当前,不论是国内还是国外,不论是传统媒体还是新兴媒体,娱乐浪潮风起云涌。
Now online blustery, Korea, America, domestic game play also have mushroomed general resurrected. 现在网游风起云涌,韩国、美国游戏铺天盖地,国产游戏也如雨后春笋一般复生。
The 20th century is gold time for the Chinese oil painting, also a blustery time. 20世纪对于中国油画来说是个黄金期,也是个风起云涌的时期。
The global capital tide is blustery at the moment, and the financial crisis broke out in 2007 also caused a fatal blow to many businesses, international and domestic situation is becoming increasingly grim. 目前全球资本浪潮风起云涌,2007年金融危机的爆发给许多企业造成致命打击,国际国内形势日趋严峻。
The wave of globalization is blustery. Along with the conclusion of the transition period after entering WTO, the opening of financial industry in our country is irreversible. 全球化浪潮风起云涌,随着加入WTO过渡期安排的结束,我国金融业全面开放的趋势不可逆转。
At present, Nanchang EMS faces the market environment transforms suddenly, the international on profession giant main strength threatens the border, the domestic competitor also is blustery. 目前,南昌EMS面临的市场环境急剧变换,国际上的行业巨头大兵压境,国内的竞争者又风起云涌。