NO.109: The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data. 【参考翻译】:最近描述的语言,经常是明显的不同于得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚的语言,以至于一些学者甚至控告格斯和斯派尔编造了数据。
Two anthropologists& linguists, Franz Boas and Edward Sapir, were pioneers in describing many native languages of North and South America during the first half of the twentieth century. 两位人类学家、语言学家佛朗茨•博厄斯和爱德华•萨皮尔在二十世纪上半叶描述了北美和南美许多土著语言,在这方面他们堪称先驱。
The classic British hen night a bachelor party for brides involves groups of women wearing feather boas to a bar, then daring one another to kiss a bald man or remove your bra without leaving the room. 在传统的英国女子婚前单身派对上,会有很多姑娘戴着羽毛围巾前往酒吧,然后用激将法撺掇彼此亲吻一个秃顶男人或是当场脱掉内衣。
Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas. 在博厄斯许多弟子的影响下,“历史特殊论”成为美国人类学文化研究中占主导的方法。
In the early1900s in North America, Germanborn American anthropologist Franz Boas developed a new theory of culture known as historical particularism. 20世纪初期,在北美,德裔美国人类学家弗兰兹·博厄斯形成了一种新的文化理论,被称为历史特殊论。
Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend, millions of people flocked to the nation's cemeteries to burn paper money, arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed. 今年清明节适逢周末,成百上千万人来到墓地陵园,用烧纸钱、献祭品,送纸糊的iPhone和塑料花篮的方式表达哀思。
Under the water in the river, unseen, are anacondas which are reputed to take a few village toddlers every year and water boas, crocodiles, and sweet-meated fish. 水下潜伏着南美蟒蛇――据说每年都要吞吃几名村童――还有水蟒、鳄鱼,以及肉质鲜美的鱼类。
TD Bank ( TD) enrolls new employees in a program called TD University, complete with stage performances, feather boas and confetti. 道明银行(TDBank)会让新员工参加一个叫做道明大学的项目。最后,公司会组织新员工们通过舞台表演、劲歌热舞和狂欢来庆祝入职教育的结束。
Boas felt that the culture of any society must be understood as the result of a unique history and not as one of many cultures belonging to a broader evolutionary stage or type of culture. 博厄斯认为,任何社会的文化必须被理解为源自一种独特历史,而不是许多文化属于的一个更广泛的文化进化阶段或文化类型的一种。
So, I think this has a higher priority than the studies about certain animals such as boas, whales and others. 所以,我想这事比那些像蟒蛇、鲸鱼和其它的动物的研究更重要。
Young women in the1920s often wore feather boas. 20世纪20年代的年轻妇女经常戴羽毛长围巾。
That's because pit vipers, like rattlesnakes, and the group of snakes including pythons or boas can literally see the world in two different ways. 这是因为响尾蛇科毒蛇(响尾蛇)包括蟒蛇在内的一类蛇,可以用两种方式看世界。
In some classifications a family separate from Boidae comprising Old World boas. 在某些分类中,被认为是与蟒科相独立仅由欧洲水蟒组成的一科。
For a person who has never been to this piece of land, Amazon represents shoals, swamps, bushes, Indian tribes, crocodiles, boas and unlimited adventures. 而在一个从未到达过这片土地的人心目中,“亚马逊”又代表着河滩、沼泽、丛林、印第安部落、鳄鱼、蟒蛇以及无穷尽的冒险与。
What kinds of grace did Boas show to Ruth? 波阿斯对路淂表现出那些恩典?
Caging for Amazon Tree Boas has a few specific requirements. 亚马逊树蚺的蛇箱有一些特别的要求。
Twenty girls in feather boas prancing around like circus ponies. 20个女孩穿着羽毛披肩在台上手舞足蹈。
A separate American diffusionist school of thought, led by Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber ( both students of Boas), also arose in the first few decades of the twentieth century. 二十世纪的头几十年,美国也出现了一个相对独立的传播学派,其领军人物是ClarkWissler和AlfredKroeber(二者皆为Boas学生)。
In order to study particular cultures as completely as possible, Boas became skilled in linguistics, the study of languages, and in physical anthropology, the study of human biology and anatomy. 为了尽可能完整地研究特定文化,博厄斯精通语言学,语言研究学,体质人类学,人类生物学和解剖学。
Boas: German-born american anthropologist who emphasized the systematic analysis of culture and language structures. 博厄斯:德裔美国人类学家,强调文化和语言结构的系统分析。
My boas was away on Tuesday because he had a cold. 我的老板因为感冒星期二没上班。
As Boas and his students substantiated and developed the cultural relativism which had replaced evolutionism and communication theory-it became an authoritative explanation and wide-spread in a certain period. 由于鲍亚士及其门生对文化相对主义的不断充实与发展,使它替代了进化学说和传播理论,使其理论在一定时期成为权威性的解释而广为流传。
Research on Testing Instruments for Tripping boas Using Local Information 就地判别式切机装置测试仪的研究
Franz Boas believes that language is determined by culture. FranzBoas认为语言是由文化决定的。