I gestured towards the boathouse, and he looked inside 我朝船库方向示意,他便往里面瞧了瞧。
Twenty minutes later, three figures and an ashamed dog qui-etly left the nearest boathouse, and went towards the station. 二十分钟后,三条人影和一只蔫了脑袋的狗离开了最近的一家船坞,奔向火车站。
This used to be a boathouse? This thing? 这里原先是船库?这东西?
Photograph by David Alan Harvey An old boathouse perches well above Currituck Sound at low tide in North Carolina's Outer Banks. 在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。
Sometimes, an entire boathouse is turned into a dwelling. 有时,整个船库都变成了一座寓所。
I got to run, but everybody hangs out at the Boathouse after school. 我得走了,但是放学后大家都会去船坞酒吧。
We don't directly the snake attack directly, but via the Trio's point of view outside the boathouse window. 我们没有直接看到纳吉尼的袭击,而是通过三人组在外面透过船屋玻璃的视角看到的。