For years he was a boffo box office certainty. 多年来,他一直是票房收入的保证。
There are prestige actors who win tons of awards and then there are blockbuster actors who guarantee boffo box office around the world. 有些演员声望高也得了需多奖项,有些演员是世界各地电影的票房保证。
While Roger Goodell had to watch a team no one cared about a month ago crashing his Super Bowl, Stern can start salivating at the prospect of another boffo matchup in the NBA Finals in June. 当罗杰。古戴尔在一个月前关心那支球队拿得超级碗冠军时,斯特恩已经对六月的NBA总决赛虎视眈眈。