He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate. 他说这些数字都是捏造的,完全不准确。
Police have been hampered by Mr Urquhart's use of bogus names. 厄克特先生使用了假名,警方的调查因此受阻。
As with the bogus country gentlemen, it was becoming a little of an act. 这也和那些假乡绅一样,多少成了一种姿态。
The most common bogus criticisms of GPL-licensed software are claims about how viral it is. 对GPL许可下的软件最常见的一种伪评判是这种许可的传染性如何如何厉害。
I'll give you$ 200000 of my bogus money. 我给你$200000假钞。
With a bogus billing code and a bogus return. 用的是伪造的帐单代码和回执。
I also like to keep users from trying to save bogus records. 我也喜欢阻止用户保存虚假记录的尝试。
Message me the names of bogus refuse you really stink. 冒充我的名字留言的垃圾你真的很臭。
The return addresses are all bogus. 可发件人地址都是伪造的。
And also this one, true or bogus? 这个是真的还是假的?
We should approach bogus quantification in the same way. 我们也应该以同样的方式来对待伪量化问题。
He's a bogus student. 他是一个假学生。
She produced some bogus documents to support her claim. 她提出了一些伪造的文献来支持她的观点。
Now desperate, the footballer started digging a third bogus grave, this time for a step-grandmother. 如此之下,这位足球运动员绝望了,他开始挖掘第三座虚拟坟墓,这次是为一位教祖母准备的。
After a while you forget that all the comps are bogus. 一段时间以后你就忘记了所有的估价都是假的。
The politicians dismissed their protest as a bogus argument intended to take attention away from the real issues. 政客们对他们的抗议不予考虑,斥之为试图将注意力引离真正的问题的诡辩。
He suggests planting a bogus contact that is in fact an e-mail address you have set up. 他建议植入一个虚假的联系信息,实际上那是你专门创建的一个电子邮件地址。
It will seem, is as bogus as bogus, sure, because it comes a great big! 它将似乎是假的假的,当然,因为它是一个伟大的大!
Furthermore, once someone puts up material, no one can overwrite it with a bogus replacement. 此外,一旦某人提交了一个资料,没有人可以用一个伪造品来替代它。
It should not undermine that chance by becoming increasingly shrill about bogus trade issues. 它不应该对无中生有的贸易问题表现出日益尖锐的态度,从而破坏这个机遇。
A bogus auto theft charge when she was19. 19岁时偷了次假车。
This is the age of the bogus survey. 这是一个“伪调查”泛滥的年代。
The plans were bogus anyway. 总之这是个假计划。
Bogus payslips are produced along with faked time-cards and workers are drilled on the correct answers to questions. 伪造的工资单和假的工作时间卡一并俱全,工人们还练习了被问问题时的正确答案。
I suggest to change bogus static state. 我建议改成伪静态的。
I promptly received tracking confirmation that turned out to be bogus. 我及时跟踪确认收到的竟然是假的。
The original SOAP body element is moved to a newly added bogus wrapper element in the SOAP security header. 原始SOAP消息体元素会被转移到SOAP安全消息头的一个新添加的伪造包装器元素中。
It seems to me that in this respect some people are quite like that bogus foreign devil. 我看在这点上,有些人很有点像假洋鬼子。