Yet this year he, too, produced hourglass gowns with padded hips and cage-like boleros in jet and Diamond Beads. 然而,今年,他也拿出了沙漏形礼服,臀部垫高,还有像笼子似的女式小开衫,用黑玉和钻石珠串成。
This was based on the rhythms of Cuban music rumbas, boleros, mambos which reached Africa in the1930s, or rather returned there, having their roots in the songs of west and central African slaves. 它基于古巴音乐的旋律演化而来伦巴、波利和曼波在19世纪30年代到达非洲,或者说是回归故里,根植于非洲中部和西部的奴隶的歌声之中。