I mean at least when I've seen her with clothes on, I could imagine her body was like covered in boles or something. 我是说,当我看见她穿着衣服的时候,我至少可以想象她的躯体是被树皮什么的给盖住的。
Moths ate boles in my wool coat. 蛀虫在我的毛衣衫上蛀蚀了一些小洞。
The distribution of soil pH around the boles of spruce and larch growing in liangshui Natural Reserve and Harbin City was studied in order to find out the effect of stem flow on soil pH. 为了解树干径流对林下土壤PH的影响,在凉水自然保护区和哈尔滨市内,取样分析了云杉和落叶松树干周围的土壤pH分布状况。
The mastlike boles of trees are bare and smooth, red at their crowns; 树冠红红的,桅杆似的树干光秃平滑,灰黑粗糙的树蔸盘根错节、苔痕累累。
The cotton receipts reached five hundred thousand boles last year. 这里去年的棉花收购量达到五十万包之多。
The Water of Earth Come from Atmosphere-atmospheric boles, small comet and meteoric ice 地球之水天外来&大气洞、小彗星及陨冰