Making his way through the bombed-out rubble of Nanjing, American mortician John Miller ( Bale) arrives at a cathedral to attend to a recently deceased priest. 贝尔饰演的殡葬师约翰米勒穿梭在遭受炮火轰炸满目疮痍的南京城,去一家天主教堂出席一位牧师的葬礼。
Ask him about his childhood, and he will tell you about playing amid the bombed-out ruins of his native city. 如果问起他的童年往事,他会告诉你在故乡城市遭受轰炸后的废墟上玩耍的故事。
He drove out past the bombed-out buildings of Berlin to the airport at rangsdorf. 他驱车绕道经过柏林许多被炸毁的楼房前往兰斯道夫机场。
A majority of the most bombed-out situations is among smaller companies – both quoted and private. 大多数被炸得几无立身之地的是规模较小的企业&包括上市和未上市的。
Instead of bombed-out shops with "business as usual" scrawled on the shutters there were glittering shopping centres, the match of any in London or singapore, and expensive-looking restaurants on every corner. 被炸商店的门板上潦草写着“照常营业”的那种情景已不复存在,取而代之的是华丽的购物中心,足可以和伦敦、新加坡相媲美,以及比比皆是的豪华餐馆。
They drove past the remains of two bombed-out tanks. 他们开车驶过两辆炸毁坦克的残骸。
FIVE musicians in neat evening dress were singing Mozart's Requiem in a bombed-out library, or rather amid a heap of rubble. 五名音乐家,着整齐晚礼服,在已成一堆废墟的图书馆内,演唱莫札特的安魂曲。
Surely, a recipe for rising bond yields and a bombed-out yen, right? 毫无疑问,这将导致债券收益率上升、日元遭受重挫,不是么?
He found he did not hate the Germans, who now scratched for food in bombed-out Nuremberg and fought for the cigarette-ends he threw out of his jeep. 他发现自己并不痛恨德国人,狂轰乱炸后的纽伦堡市民现在到处搜寻食物,甚至会争先恐后的去抢他从吉普车丢出的烟头。
Bombed-out bank valuations, on the other hand, look less tempting, given the root cause of their problems: opaque, potentially toxic balance sheets. 另一方面,鉴于银行问题的根源:不透明的、可能潜藏着“危险”内容的资产负债表,眼下一败涂地的银行估值看上去就不那么有吸引力了。
Squinting through a hole in the sandbagged wall of a bombed-out building, Dino points to where the couple lie mouldering amid the debris of Bosnia 's14-month civil war. 迪诺眯着眼,透过垒在被炸毁建筑物上沙袋墙中的小孔,用手指着这对情侣躺的地方。那是波斯尼亚14个月的内战留下的一片废墟。
Behind them rises the bombed-out ruins of a police station, a sign that government officials are not welcome in the area. 其身后是一个被炸毁的警察局废墟,代表政府官员在此区不受欢迎。