Booby-trapped ( explosive device) Study on AC on-off Tester of Explosion-roof Electric Switch for Mine 矿用防爆电气开关交流通断试验装置的研究
Airdrop Trap: A booby-trapped airdrop. 直接扔陷阱空投包?
Approach on Explosion Protected Cable Sealing Joint for Flameproof Motor booby-trapped ( explosive device) 隔爆型电动机接线盒防爆电缆密封接头引入装置问题探讨诱杀装置(爆炸装置)
Terrorists had booby-trapped his car. 恐怖分子在他的车里放置了饵雷。
Ordinary objects can be booby-trapped to do almost anything. 另外,普通的物品也被做成“诡雷”用来干任何事情。
Hutchinson runs up the stairs to find his two men running downstairs, saying they were booby-trapped and made a run for the roof. 汉金森冲向楼上,看到有两个警察向下跑去,声称他们中了圈套,迈可兄弟向屋顶跑去了。
He had only booby-trapped the bombs. 他只在炸弹周围设下饵雷。
Minimum exploration work program Beck, the SPD has booby-trapped the planned privatization of the federal railway, Deutsche Bahn, endorsed a speed limit on motorways and ( with his blessing, this time) called for a minimum wage. 最低限度勘探工作量社民党还强烈支持对高速公路限速(这次,在贝克的默许下)和施行最低工资制度。
In reality the animals and flowers in "Immortality" seem to be booby-trapped, framed as objects of'beauty '. 在现实中,动物和花朵的「不朽」,就像一个陷阱,被喻为「美」的象徵。
Before leaving, he said, Gaddafi's forces had booby-trapped bodies, houses and cars. 他称,在离开前,卡扎菲的部队在尸体、房子和汽车内放置了饵雷。
The other half we're leaving, booby-trapped, as a hostage. 剩下的一半我们不拿走,就作为质物。
The car had been booby-trapped by terrorists. 恐怖分子在那辆汽车里安放了饵雷。