To be honest, some grads, even those from top universities, are bookworms and are a bit out of tune with reality. 坦白讲,一些毕业生,甚至是一些一流学府的毕业生,都是书呆子,与现实很不合拍。
Nine months later, the bookworms and the geeks are the best of friends. 九个月后,书虫和极客成为了最好的朋友。
However they acknowledged there could be a downside to a strategy that seeks to turn active children into bookworms. 然而,他们说这个“策略”也有其不利的一面,那就是读太多书会把活泼的孩子变成“小书虫”。
If you look around the school yard, you will find that bookworms have disappeared, and instead, there are healthy, stong, clever and modernized students everywhere. 如果你在学校周围的院子里看,你会发现已经消失了的书呆子,而不是有健康,四通,聪明,现代化的学生随处可见。
The Bookworms wrote about and discussed what they are passionate about too. 书虫班写了他们热衷的是什么,并在班级中就此进行了讨论。
His story about the detective Sherlock Holmes-The Blue Diamond, The Emerald Crown, The Norwood Mystery and The Sign of Four are also available in the Bookworms series. 本系列同时收录了四个由他创作的夏洛克·福尔摩斯探案的故事&《蓝色宝石》、《绿玉王冠》、《诺伍德谜案》和《四签名》。
Forget them, they are just bookworms! Let's go. 不用管他们,这些书呆子。咱们走。
INTP ( Introverted thinking with intuiting): Faithful, preoccupied, and forgetful, these are the bookworms. INTP(内向,凭洞察力思考):忠实、神贯注、及疏忽/注意,典型的书虫。
But the boys in our class are too ugly, and are all bookworms. 但是我们班的男生太丑了,都是书呆子。
I know you think Harvard is a school full of really studious, boring bookworms. 我知道你认为上哈佛的,都是只会念书的无聊书呆子。