The Life of Pi sequel shows Psy as the protagonist stranded at sea with just two things, a tiger and a boombox which only plays his hit song Gangnam Style. 在《少年派的奇幻漂流》的续集预告中,主角Psy被困海上,身边只有一只老虎和一个一直放他自己的歌曲《江南Style》的印象。
If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox 如果我是怀旧派是个五十磅的立体声扬声器
Parrot, Sound System, BoomBox, and other audio products. 鹦鹉,音响系统,音响和其他音频产品。
With three little boys and a Boombox that is always booming away, his house is always loud. 因为有三个小男孩,还有一个大型手提收录机一直不停轰隆轰隆作响,他的房子总是很大声。
Today, she says, her old man brought not just his thermos of tea, but also the boombox. 她说,今天她的老头子不但带来了他的热茶壶,还有扬声器。
You'll learn how to create halftone patterns and creatively cut up an image of a model holding a boombox. 你将了解如何创建色调模式,创造性地抠出一个模特提着音响的图片。