Fans looking for answers to the series 'numerous mysteries were treated to the reappearance of characters from seasons past like Boone and Shannon, who served as catalysts to trigger memories of the island for those struggling to remember. 翘首企盼为重重迷雾寻找答案的粉丝们看到的是几季前的人物出现,布恩和莎伦成了触发岛上回忆的媒介。
Newly elected Academy President Boone Isaacs said, I agreed with Craig and Neil immediately that Ellen is the ideal host for this year's show. 学院新当选的主席BooneIsaacs说:我同意Craig和Neil说的,Ellen是明年奥斯卡主持的理想人选。
Boone and his men take no supplies. 布恩和他的同伴们没带任何给养。
Boone records in his journal. We are exposed daily to peril and death amongst savages and wild beasts. But nature satisfies all we need. Few experience the happiness we feel here in the howling wilderness. 布恩在他的日志中写道,我们每天都要面临被野兽或蛮族攻击的生命危险,但大自然同时给予了我们必需品,我们在这荒僻的旷野所感受到的快乐是常人难以体会的。
September 9, 2012: Actor Ryan Reynolds and actress Blake Lively were married in a ceremony held at Boone Hall Plantation in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. 2012年9月9日:美国甜心布莱克·莱弗利和加拿大演员瑞安·雷诺兹在南卡罗来纳州的布恩大厅种植园喜结连理。
Anxiety has become emblematic of the current generation of college students, said Dan Jones, the director of counseling and psychological services at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. 阿帕拉契州立大学(AppalachianStateUniversity,位于北卡罗来纳州布恩市)心理咨询与服务中心的主任丹·琼斯(DanJones)说,焦虑已成为当代大学生的典型标志。
Cheryl Boone Isaacs, Academy President 谢丽尔·布恩·艾萨克斯,学院理事会主席
Local philanthropists, including T. Boone Pickens and Ross Perot, are chipping in, too. 当地的慈善家,如T.BoonePickens和RossPerot等也给与了支持。
For as far as the eye could see, there wasn'ta cloud in the sky Wednesday afternoon as Boone returned to the Astros'lineup less than six months after open-heart surgery. 对于像眼睛可以看到目前为止,没有哪云在天空中日下午,布恩回到太空人阵容不到6个月后心内直视手术。
Boone was not a credible witness. 布恩不是一个可靠的证人。
I used to be friends with Frasier boone. 我以前是弗莱瑟布恩的朋友。
When T. Boone Pickens was launching raids on Texas oil companies in the 1980s, he once declared that chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa. 当T.布恩•皮肯斯(T.BoonePickens)在上世纪80年代恶意并购得克萨斯州的石油公司时,他曾声称,那些自己持有很少公司股票的首席执行官对普通股东的情感不超过对非洲狒狒。
The boys lapped up the tales about Daniel Boone and the indians. 男孩子们相信关于丹尼尔?布恩和印第安人的故事。
We moved Boone to death watch on monday. 周一我们把他移到死囚牢房了。
Daniel Boone wasn't looking for unemployment insurance. 丹尼尔。布恩寻求的不是失业保险。
Students across the world are to be examined on their basic abilities as part of a plan to provide an objective assessment of the quality of rich countries 'university systems, writes Jon Boone in London. 本报记者乔恩•布恩伦敦报道,全球学生即将接受一项针对其基础能力的考核,这是一项旨在客观评估富裕国家大学体系质量的计划一部分。
A Study on the Academic Aims and Service Spirit of Boone Library School Quarterly 论《文华图书馆学专科学校季刊》的学术归旨与服务精神
Sara Warren is a direct rebuttal to the testimony of detective boone. 莎拉是对布恩证词的直接反证。
A born skeptic, Jeremy travels to the small town of Boone Creek, North Carolina, determined to find the real cause behind the ghostly apparitions that appear in the town cemetery. 杰里米天生就是怀疑论者,于是他决定去北卡罗莱的布恩克里克小镇,找出隐藏在古墓鬼影背后的真正原因。
If you can imagine doing this, you're a lot like Daniel Boone. 如果你能想像这种情形,你和丹尼尔?布恩就有点类似了。
Daniel Boone, legendary as an early American frontiersman, claimed that when he could see smoke from his neighbor's chimney, it was time for him to move farther west. 据说早期美国拓荒者中的传奇人物丹尼尔-波恩自称,他只要一看见邻居家的烟囱里冒出炊烟,就继续往西迁徙。
One of them nice boone's farm wines? 拿一瓶本地产的博恩葡萄酒?
Bibliographic Education of Boone Library School and Bibliography Modernization 文华图专目录学教育与目录学思想现代化
Back in Oregon where I grew up, I adored Pat Boone. 我在俄勒冈州长大,我崇拜帕特布恩。
Even tycoons who are not in President Barack Obama's camp have moved into alternative energy, none more so than T Boone Pickens, oil explorer, corporate raider and a Texan Republican to his core. 即使大亨谁是总统奥巴马阵营没有进入替代能源,尤其如此比T布恩皮肯斯,石油勘探,公司袭击者和德克萨斯州共和党自己的核心。
In China it was brought in earliest by the primary school of the Boone Memorial School in 1912.Then it developed quickly and widely in the mainland China, and had a very tremendous influence. 我国在1912年文华书院首先引进了童子军教育,经过几十年的发展,童子军在我国大陆发展迅速,产生了很大的影响。
Soon she found the books of Boone University was poor, teachers and students have no books to read, so she collected newspapers and books and built a school library, which is reading room, the predecessor of the Boone Library. 很快她发现文华书院内的图书资源贫乏,教师学生都没有书籍可读,便收集报刊书籍在校内建起一座藏书室,这便是文华公书林的前身。