Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands. 许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的纳米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。
On Dual Influence of Religion to the Borderlands 'Safety of Northwest China 论宗教对我国西北边疆安全的双重影响
During the history in China, stationing the migration to open up wasteland is one of important policies of exploitation of borderlands and stability of frontier defenses. 在中国历史上,移民屯田是开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要政策。
Now in their fourth decade, they are sending back information about the borderlands of interstellar space. 现在已是第40个年头了,“航行者”号仍在继续发回有关星际空间边界的信息。
Study on the Modes of the Construction of Villages on the Borderlands of Cities 城市边缘地带村屯建设模式的研究
The Scholastic Crowds Who Studied the Historical Geography of Chinese Borderlands and Foreign Countries around the Opium War 鸦片战争前后研究边疆和域外史地的学者群
Since the Republic of China beginning, Britain, India and the other imperialisms began intervening in the things of Borderlands in China, When the Government due to civil war to attend to it. Fighting and social crisis happened here. 民国以来,英印等帝国主义开始插手边疆事物,而当时政府也因内战而无暇顾及,康藏地区战乱不断,社会危机丛生。
The unprecedented high tide of immigration and opening up borderlands since the beginning of the Republic of China provided favorable opportunities as well as broad lands for the migration. 民初以来东北地区出现了前所未有的移民与开发高潮,为朝鲜移民的大规模流入提供了有利的历史契机和广阔的地城空间。
On the premise that agglomeration effect help expand borderlands, it explores the ways to make use of the Beibu Gulf unique location, accumulate variable tourism components, and link the value chains of tourism industry to construct the regional tourism center. 以集聚效应促进边界区域扩张为前提,探讨如何发挥北部湾独特的区位优势,集聚各种旅游要素,联动产业拉长价值链,构建区域旅游合作中心。