She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford. 在鲍里斯·福特的支持下,她去了谢菲尔德大学讲课。
Clambering over sackfuls of lemons, Boris tried to find a way out. 鲍里斯手忙脚乱地爬过一个个装满柠檬的口袋,想找条出路。
Boris is falling behind all the top players. 鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。
Dr. Boris Sidis was a Russian-born psychiatrist who enjoyed considerable prestige; some placed him on a par with Pierre Janet and Morton Prince. 鲍里斯·西季斯医生是一位出生于俄国、素负盛名的精神病学家,有些人认为他堪与皮埃尔·雅内和莫顿·普林斯比肩。
You should have seen Boris's face when Hugh tapped him on the shoulder. Talk about surprise! 你真该看看休拍了一下鲍里斯肩膀时,鲍里斯脸上的表情。那叫一个惊讶!
Boris Becker of Germany won the men's singles 德国的鲍里斯·贝克尔赢得男单冠军。
'We're not blaming you,' Kate said. 'Speak for yourself,' Boris muttered. “我们没有怪你,”凯特说。“也就是你这么想,”鲍里斯嘟囔道。
He and his friend Boris were unsuccessful in getting a job. 他和他朋友鲍里斯都没有找到工作。
But Serbian President Boris Tadic immediately denounced the declaration as unilateral and illegal. 塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇马上谴责了科索沃的独立,说这是单方面的、非法的行为。
Boris Karlsson and his staff were responsible for process improvement in the software engineering group. BorisKarlsson和他的职员负责软件工程小组的过程改进。
Boris and his colleagues presented their results at a Rational Users'Conference. Boris和他的同事在一次Rational用户会议上展现了他们的成果。
Prime Minister David Cameron said London was lucky to have Boris Johnson as mayor. 英国首相大卫卡梅隆说伦敦能有鲍里斯这样的市长真是幸运。
Well, she's in love with Boris already! 她现在就已爱上鲍里斯了!她怎么样?
Mr. Putin succeeded Boris Yeltsin in 1999 after Russia defaulted on its sovereign debt. 1999年,俄罗斯发生主权债务违约后,普京接替了鲍里斯·叶利钦(BorisYeltsin)的职位。
Iris: Mon and I got in another fight, Boris. 我又和妈妈吵架了,鲍里斯。
Ivan and Boris have been friends since being on duty, they were in Chechnya together? 伊万和鲍里斯以来正在值班的朋友,他们在车臣在一起吗?
But, Boris, I am not a baby any more. 可我又不是小孩子了,鲍里斯!
I should have told you right away that I work for Boris balkan. 我应该一开始就告诉你,我替波利斯巴肯做事。
The Russian leader Boris Yeltsin displaced Mr Gorbachev in the Kremlin. 俄罗斯领导人叶利钦取代了还坐在克里姆林宫里的戈尔巴乔夫。
I did produce Boris Johnson at a subsequent dinner. 接下来的一场晚宴,我还真带上了鲍里斯约翰逊。
He followed Boris into the room. 他跟着鲍里斯进了房间。
It has even won the backing of Boris Johnson, the London mayor, a cycling enthusiast himself. 这场大赛甚至得到了伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson)的支持市长本人也是自行车爱好者。
After a decade with the unruly Boris Yeltsin, Russia longed for the stability that Mr Putin promised. 在经受了任意妄为的鲍里斯·叶利钦长达10年的统治之后,俄罗斯非常渴望能得到普京所许诺的稳定。
And on this occasion, there was an element beyond the control of either the IOC or the Chinese: Boris Johnson, mayor of London. 这一次,有一个因素超出了国际奥委会和中国人的控制:伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)。
It is often difficult, as Boris Pasternak once wrote, to distinguish victories from defeats. 正如鲍里斯帕斯捷尔纳克(BorisPasternak)曾经写道的那样,成功和失败常常是难以分辨的。
What were Tony and Boris like in high school? 帕克和迪奥在高中的表现怎么样?
At last, Boris had managed to open the money-locker and found bank notes and gold coins inside. 鲍瑞斯终于设法打开了世界这个钱柜,从中找到了钞票和金币。
Russians elect Boris Yeltsin as the president of their republic. 1991年的今天,俄罗斯选举鲍里斯·叶利钦为共和国的总统。
Boris: I think SOA today is real, but not mature. 我认为现在SOA是真实的,但是并不成熟。
The only writers about me for whom I have any respect, at present, are Carl and Boris. 目前,周围我所尊敬的作家只有卡尔和鲍里斯。