Pudgy Charles is the director, with the quick mind, bossiness and vast reserves of movie lore that mark a budding auteur. 思维敏捷、知识渊博的小胖墩查尔斯是影片导演。
Fig4.Ink colors represent personalities: red for bossiness and petty tyranny, green for eccentricity and multi-coloured for mad. 图四:喜好颜色看个性,红色:有跋扈和控制欲的倾向;绿色:性格怪异;彩色:此人已疯。
His bossiness as a husband didn't worry her unduly. 他作为丈夫的跋扈并未使她过分担心。
People are charging the Labour government with bossiness. 民众谴责工党政府试图大权独揽。
And it can develop all kinds of new NGN-diagnostic business flexibly, so Parlay API, as an open bossiness develop interface has tremendous probability to be an important standard of NGN. 并能够灵活的开发各种新型的、具有下一代网络特征的业务,因此ParlayAPI作为开放的业务应用编程接口很有可能成为NGN的一个重要标准。