Botanically speaking, it is a fruit it comes from a flowering plant which identified as berry since it grows on a vine like grape. 从植物学角度来说,它是一种有着葡萄一样藤蔓的开花类浆果。
In theory, any two plants that are closely related botanically and that have a continuous cambium can be grafted. 理论上,两个近缘的并有连续的形成层的植株均能进行嫁接。
Botanically, they are members of the genus "Eranthis", Greek for spring flower. 植物学上它们属于菟葵属,希腊人称之为迎春花。
Powerfully natural, botanically effective foaming facial wash naturally treats and helps prevent blemishes and leaves skin squeaky clean. 天然强有效,发挥植物功能的一款泡沫洗面液,能够有效防止脸上的起瑕疵,让你的脸颊干净亮丽。
"Botanically unrelated to the white, or irish, potato or the yam, sweet potatoes are oblong or pointed oval, tuberous roots." 与白色(或爱尔兰)马铃薯及薯蓣无亲缘关系。甘薯为椭圆形或带尖的卵圆形块根
The limestone area in south China mainly distributed in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, The region is botanically well-known for its high species diversity and limestone endemism. 本文所说中国南部石灰岩地区主要指广西、云南、贵州三省的石灰岩地区,这一地区以其植物的多样性和岩溶特有性而闻名。
Botanically faithful description of cucumber physiological ecology and morphogenetic structure and fast rendering of cucumber growth from CG ( Computer Graphics) point of view are challenging problems. 如何从植物学角度忠实描述黄瓜生理生态和形态结构特征,又能从计算机图形学角度快速真实渲染黄瓜生长过程是该领域的难题。