There is a modern stretch of tall buildings and wide, tree-lined boulevards along the edge of a gleaming white beach. 沿着闪闪发光的白色海滨,现代化的高层建筑和宽阔的林荫大道连绵延伸。
Back then there were fears that the president, Francois Mitterrand, would invite the Soviet army to parade down the boulevards of Paris during his inauguration. 当时还有人担心,弗朗索瓦•密特朗总统可能会在他的就职典礼上邀请苏联军队列队穿越巴黎的大街。
Its sprawling capital, Buenos Aires, is known as the Paris of South America for its beautiful Beaux-Arts buildings and wide boulevards. 美丽的学院派建筑和宽阔的大道使阿根廷不断扩张的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯获得了“南美巴黎”的称号。
What is less obvious is that even large boulevards become quickly congested due to the lack of smaller secondary roads. 不太容易看到的是,由于缺乏小一些的辅路,即使是大马路也会迅速变得拥堵。
These super-blocks are linked with enormous, multi-lane boulevards. 这些超级街区又与大量多车道的大马路相连。
At intervals, as he roamed through the most deserted boulevards, it seemed to him that he heard strange noises in Paris. 他在最荒僻的大路上走时,不时听到在巴黎方面有些奇特的声音。
The procession proceeded, with feverish slowness, from the house of the deceased, by way of the boulevards as far as the Bastille. 送葬行列从死者的府邸,以激动而沉重的步伐,经过几条大路,慢慢走到了巴士底广场。
The troops broke in the doors of houses whence shots had been fired; at the same time, manoeuvres by the cavalry dispersed the groups on the boulevards. 军队捅破那些放过冷枪的门,同时,骑兵驱散了在林荫大道上集合的人群。
Achingly beautiful St Petersburg, with its baroque palaces and sweeping broad boulevards, seemed immune from the sweeping tides of change remaking the architectural and cultural character of Moscow. 美丽至极的圣彼得堡,有着巴洛克式宫殿和宽广的林荫道,丝毫不受莫斯科建筑与文化革新潮流的影响。
I shall always remember that young girl who walked along the boulevards almost every day at the same hour. 我永远也忘不了这个年轻的姑娘,她每天几乎总是在同一时刻走过大街。
There is something sad about the traffic lights blinking over empty boulevards in brand new 'business districts' all over China places that have all the makings of a thriving commercial center except* well, actual businesses. 在中国各地新建的商业区,空荡荡的大街上闪烁的交通灯发出悲凉的光。这些商业区拥有一个繁荣的商业中心所需的一切,但就是没有商家。
They point to the emergence of what Chinese call ghost cities ─ like the much-publicized city of Ordos in Inner Mongolia ─ places chock-a-block with new apartment houses, boulevards, commercial space, but largely void of residents. 他们指出,鬼城已经出现,比如得到广泛报道的内蒙古鄂尔多斯市,这些地方满是崭新的公寓楼、宽阔的街道和商业空间,但基本无人居住。
Blank department buildings sit on quiet boulevards, surrounded by thrift shops, cafes, and the odd building site. 不知其名的部门大楼坐落在安静的林荫道两侧,周围是朴素的小商店、咖啡厅和古怪的建筑工地。
The result is a richly complex text of artifacts: from houses to schools and banks, playgrounds to parks and plazas, alleys to boulevards, sewers to freeways. 其结果造就出的是有著复杂脉络的历史遗迹:从房屋到学校、银行,从操场到公园、广场,从小巷到大道,从下水道到高速公路。
Having crossed paris, it passed through the faubourg Du temple, then leaving the exterior boulevards, it reached the cemetery. 队伍横越过巴黎市区以后,穿过寺院路,然后离开郊外的马路,到达坟场。
The centre of Casablanca is fairly impressive. It's brand modern, with big, lively boulevards, high, white, well-kept buildings. 卡萨布兰卡市区的景致非常迷人,她可是一座典型的现代大城市&宽阔热闹的大街,白色的高楼大厦,而且城市的环境很清洁,各方面的运转也非常的高效。
The skyline, for better or for worse, has become what cathedrals, boulevards, or grand squares used to be. 无论是好是坏,这样的天际轮廓线已取代了曾经的大教堂、林荫大道或大广场。
On the side alleys of the boulevards, in the branches of the trees, on balconies, in windows, on the roofs, swarmed the heads of men, women, and children; all eyes were filled with anxiety. 在大路的横街里、树枝上、阳台上、窗口上、屋顶上,人头象蚂蚁一样攒动,男人、妇女、小孩,眼睛里充满了不安的神情。
If my model is correct then the routes to life in the universe are boulevards, rather than twisted back alley ways. “如果我的模式是正确的,那么宇宙间生命的路线就是阳光大道,而不是迂回曲折的窄巷”。
Along the shopping boulevards of Shanghai and Beijing, perhaps the most pernicious impact of the one-child policy soon becomes apparent. 沿着上海和北京的商业街,一胎化政策最有害的影响很快变得明显。
His subjects were not the crowded streets of the New York slums painted by the ashcan school but groups of happy people at their leisure on the beach, in the park, thronging the sunny boulevards of Paris or the bridges of venice. 他的题材不是垃圾箱画派所画的纽约贫民窟乱哄哄的街道,而是在海滩上、公园里,或云集在巴黎洒满阳光的林荫大道和威尼斯大桥上愉快消闲的人群。
Emerging from the parliament about 2 ∶ 30 p. m., he sped along boulevards and inched through narrow side streets. 下午两点三十分左右,他从国会出来,在几条宽阔的大道上疾驶,又穿过几条狭小的街道。
In Israel, the main boulevards of Tel Aviv have been occupied by ordinary people protesting against the cost of living. 在以色列,特拉维夫市的主要街道上满是抗议生活成本高昂的民众。
The broad, tree-lined boulevards and European architecture are witness to its past, the glass-walled towers that soar skywards a portent of its future. 宽阔的林荫大道和欧式建筑见证着历史,高耸入云的摩天大厦预示着未来。
For the next couple of hours, like fl â neurs we leisurely saunter the broad boulevards. 在接下来的几个小时里,我们就像城市漫游者们一样,悠闲地在宽阔的大道上闲逛。
To the north-west, the city starts to breathe more freely as tightly knotted lanes unravel into straight, tree-lined boulevards. 沿着西北方向,城市开始更加自由地呼吸。紧紧缠绕在一起的巷道,一变而为平直、树木成荫的大马路。
And there is an engaging take on cultural preoccupations from Karl Marx to Jean-Paul Sartre and Bob Dylan, played out against the unlikely skyline of Pyongyang with its empty boulevards and permanently unfinished multi-storey hotels. 还有,关于朝鲜对从卡尔马克思到萨特到鲍伯迪兰的文化执迷,它还有一个颇有分量的处理,故事发生在少见的平壤的高层建筑区,空旷的大街和永远不能完工的高层旅馆。
Whenever I was walking alone a tree-lined boulevards or lonely path of time, usually will involuntarily self-talk up, remind of past, think now, look forward to the future, what I need? 每当我独自走一条林荫大道抑或是僻静小路的时候,常常会不由自主地与自己对话起来,想起过去、思考现在、憧憬未来,自己到底需要什么?
The well-tended boulevards and comfortable cafs of Budapest do not look like obvious territory for revolution or social turmoil. 布达佩斯精心呵护的林荫大道和怡人的咖啡馆,并没有明显表明这里将是革命或社会动荡的领地。
The elder people have colour field for our matting a broad boulevards, face to these precious resource I will to diligence to continuously research and textbook grinds only to innovative goal and direction. 色彩领域中的前辈们已经为我们铺垫了一条宽阔的大道,面对于这些宝贵的资源本人将勤奋不断的深入研究和潜心专研向勇于创新的目标和方向努力。